How to Apply
Pre-incubation Programme (PINK)
The Pre-Incubation Programme is the first step towards creating your own company or business idea. The programme duration is 12 weeks, with one 1.5-hour lecture or activity per week. The programme includes a variety of activities to develop entrepreneurial skills:
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- Business Idea Generation and Hackathon, where participants can form a team and successfully come up with their first business idea.
- Creating a Business Canvas for your idea, understanding its importance in further development.
- Business Plan Development and its significance in business growth.
- Market Research, during which competitors are analyzed and the idea is tested.
- Pitching ABC, where participants learn best practices for presenting business ideas.
- Mentor Feedback Carousel, where aspiring entrepreneurs present their ideas to mentors and receive valuable feedback.
- Product or Service Design, where participants learn the principles of good design and start developing the appearance, functionality, and other design aspects of their product.
- Company Marketing, Financial, and Legal Aspects - an opportunity to learn what needs to be considered when developing a business.
Students, researchers, employees, and academic staff members, regardless of their field or level of study from Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU), the RSU Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE), Daugavpils University (DU), or the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU) are welcome to apply to the PINK programme.
To apply, please contact the incubator team and fill out a short application form.
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Incubation Programme (INK)
The incubation programme is an opportunity to turn your business idea into a real product and startup, as well as receive support for future idea development. The programme runs in three stages:
- Defining the Business Idea, developing the business model, and fostering team collaboration.
- Market Analysis, working with a mentor, and creating sketches or prototypes of the product or service.
- Creating the Company's Financial and Legal Structure, developing presentation and sales skills, and presenting the idea.
A demo day is held at the end of the INK programme, where teams present their innovative business ideas to a jury, competing for financial support of up to 2,500 EUR, other prizes, and recognition. Teams of 2-5 people with a common business idea can apply for the programme. At least one team member must be a student, employee, researcher, or alumnus of Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU). INK takes place once per academic year.
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