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Placement in Patient and Public Education

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:5.00
Study Course Accepted:06.02.2020 10:39:17
Study Course Information
Course Code:LF_244LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Health CareTarget Audience:Nursing Science
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Diāna Platace
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:RSU Liepāja Branch
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Liepāja, Riņķu iela 24/26, lfatrsu[pnkts]lv, lfatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 63442118, +371 63442119, +371 63484632
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)3Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures6
Classes (count)0Class Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Classes0
Total Contact Hours6
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Intestinal diseases, psychosocial needs, interpersonal communication in health care, introduction to psychology and sociology, public health and epidemiology.
To develop pedagogical and communication skills in the education of patients and society, to integrate the acquired knowledge base and pedagogical skills into practice and apply them practically in educating patients and society. Participate in patient and public health educational work in various educational institutions of the society.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Purpose and tasks, requirements (including technical design) and methodical instructions for the training of patients and society in placement. Planning placement work.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Educational peculiarities and approaches to various social groups. Development of patient and/or societal questionnaire and preparation of lectures/classes.Lectures1.00auditorium
3A review of patients' and/or society methods for learning and analysis of a lecture/class.Lectures1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
• strengthen theoretical knowledge in pedagogy; • observe the planned work hours of the practice and work in full; • complete the documentation provided in practice; • collect information on an up-to-date topic in the education of patients and society; • collect and compile information (surveys) on patients' and/or society's knowledge before and after education process; • prepare and present lectures/classes on a topical topic in public health; • substantiate educational issues, formulate conclusions and proposals; • take part in an educational campaign or public health promotion project; • defend educational placement and to present a description of the educational case, with self-analysis of lectures/classes.
Assessment Criteria:
Placement defense with a case study description. Criteria for assessment of oral exam in 10 point system. In the exam – defense of the placement, the evaluation is based on the criteria, which are evaluated with 0 – 2 points: 0 points – does not meet the requirements, 1 point – partially meets the requirements, 2 points – meets the requirements. The maximum score is 10 which corresponds to 10 points, 9 points to 9 points, 8 points to 8 points, etc. and the minimum score (positive) is 4 which corresponds to 4 points. Criteria: 1. Execution and contents of the practice report: 0 – There is no complete execution (90 – 94%) and relevant content in the practice report. 1 – Partial practice (95 – 99%) and content. 2 – Practical report shows complete execution (100%) and relevant content. 2. Compliance of the technical design with the methodical instructions: 0 – does not comply with the methodological instructions of the practice report. 1 – partially complies with the methodological guidelines of the practice report. 2 – complies with the methodological guidelines of the practice report. 3. Summary of practice lecture/lesson and drawing conclusions: 0 – summary of practice lecture/lesson incomplete, conclusions are inappropriate. 1 – Practical lecture/lesson summary partial, conclusions partly. 2 – Practical lecture/lesson summary appropriate, conclusions logical and substantiated. 4. Presentation of the educational case according to the purpose and formulated problems. 0 – development does not meet the purpose and formulated problems. 1 – Development partly corresponds to purpose and formulated problems. 2 – Development is in line with the purpose and formulated problems. 5. Compliance of practice presentation with instructions and questions during defense: 0 – presentation does not comply with instructions and does not answer questions during defense. 1 – The presentation is partially in line with the instructions and partially answered during the defense. 2 – Presentation follows directions and answers questions during defense, argues and justifies.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Defence (Placement)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:As a result of the study course, students will acquire knowledge about the educational work of patients and society in different educational institutions of the society, their tasks and principles of operation, the types, approaches and methods of education of patients and society.
Skills:Students will develop pedagogical and communication skills, will be able to identify the topical issues of patient and community education, will be able to apply educational methods and tools for educating patients and society, plan and implement patient and community training in the form of lectures/classes, integrating and using the appropriate basic theoretical knowledge and pedagogical knowledge, skills.
Competencies:As a result of the study course completion, students will be able to integrate and use the basic theoretical knowledge, pedagogical and communication skills in practical work for the education of patients and society.
Required Reading
1Šiliņa, Maruta. Pacientu izglītošana - māsas kompetence : mācību grāmata māsu programmas studentiem un praktizējošām māsām. Rīga : Nacionālais apgāds, 2009.
2Howatson-Jones, Lioba Reflective practice in nursing / 3rd edition. Los Angeles, Calif. : SAGE ; Learning Matters, ©2016.
3Biksone, Gaļina, Solis pa solim pacientu konsultēšanā. Rīga : Aptieku apvienība, 2016
4Falvo, Donna R. Effective patient education : a guide to increased adherence / Donna R. Falvo. 4th ed. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett, 2011.
5Jana Ankrava, Karīna Kurtiša. Pacientu aprūpes standartu lietošana ārsniecības personu izglītībā un praksē .Rīga : Medicīnas apgāds, 2010
Additional Reading
1Sociālā darba speciālistu rokasgrāmata. Liepāja : LiePA, 2007.
2Williams, John R. Medicīnas ētikas rokasgrāmata. Pasaules Medicīnas asociācija. 2. izd. Rīga : Latvijas Ārstu biedrība, 2009.
3Health literacy in nursing : providing person-centered care / [edited by] Terri Ann Parnell, MA, DNP, RN. New York, NY : Springer Publishing, 2015.
4Social work and health care in an aging society : education, policy, practice, and research / Barbara Berkman, editor ; Linda Harootyan, associate editor. Izdošanas ziņas New York : Springer Publishing Company, c2003.
5 Veselības psiholoģija / K. Mārtinsones un V. Sudrabas redakcijā; Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. Rīga : RSU, 2016.
Other Information Sources
1 Green J, Tones K (2010) Health promotion: planing and strategies, SAGE
2 Ikdienas aktivitāšu apmācība insulta pacientiem / Inta Sīka, Madara Važa, Anete Kaužēna un Anda Papule. Rīga, 2016.