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Administrative Law

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:5.00
Study Course Accepted:02.02.2024 12:30:01
Study Course Information
Course Code:PZK_001LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:5.00ECTS:7.50
Branch of Science:LawTarget Audience:Political Science
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Lidija Juļa
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)10Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures20
Classes (count)10Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes20
Total Contact Hours40
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Foreground in the basics of public administration is required.
To promote the development of a set of theoretical knowledge on issues related to: 1. administrative law sector; 2. the competence of officials (duties, rights, responsibilities); 3. administrative process in state and local authorities; 4. the stages of the administrative procedure; 5. the procedure for challenging and appealing against the decision. With the help of independent works, improve the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in the process of performing practical tasks.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Subject and basic concepts of administrative law. • Subject of administrative law science; • Theories of separation of private and public rights; • Subject of administrative law, its structure.Lectures2.00auditorium
2Sources of administrative law. • Concept and types of sources of administrative law; • Types of administrative legal norms; • Objective and subjective rights. Freedom of action.Lectures2.00auditorium
3System and principles of state administration. • Concept and classification of public administration. Independent institutions; • Forms of submission; • Principles of state management.Classes2.00auditorium
4Institutional system of direct administration. • The role of the Cabinet of Ministers in the institutional system of direct administration; • Ministry; • Other close administrative institutions.Classes2.00auditorium
5Institutional system of intermediate administration. • Intermediary administrative institutions; • The concept of self-management. The concept of local government; • The role and place of local governments in the implementation of state administration; • Independent functions of local governments.Lectures2.00auditorium
6State officials. • The concept of a public official. Hierarchy of public administration officials; • The concept of the state civil service, its tasks and legal regulation; • The concept of disciplinary responsibility. Regulation of the responsibility of the state civil service official; • Prevention of conflict of interest in the activities of public officials.Lectures2.00auditorium
7Delegation, public participation and society in public administration. • Delegation of state administration tasks. Delegation Agreement; • Types of public participation. Cooperation agreement; • Cooperation in the state administration. Cooperation agreement; • Associations and foundations, their tasks and responsibilities.Lectures2.00auditorium
8Control and inspection in the state administration. • Principles, tasks and types of control; • Internal control. Review of management decision. Internal audit; • External control. Parliamentary control. State control. Prosecutor's office. Ombudsman.Classes2.00auditorium
9Coercion in public administration and administrative responsibility. • Types of coercive measures; • Administrative preventive measures; • The concept of administrative responsibility, its separation from other forms of legal responsibility; • Administrative violation as a basis for administrative responsibility. The composition of the administrative offense; • Administrative penalties and their types; • The specificity of the process of imposing administrative penalties.Classes2.00auditorium
10Administrative process. • Administrative act and actual action; • Types of administrative acts; • Principles of the administrative process; • The progress of the administrative process in the institution; • Principle of objective investigation; • Validity and cancellation of the administrative act; • Differences between the administrative court process and the civil process; • Execution of administrative act and court judgment.Classes2.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
At the beginning of each lecture, checklists are given on the subject of the previous lecture. It is desirable to review the mandatory literature of the topic in question before the lecture. Homework with specific tasks; • develop and prepare a summary (in the content should be: problem, causation of the problem, solution to the problem) or draft procedural documents according to the task; • to prepare a presentation for each seminar (for the appropriate lecture schedule), to be ready to present (with the help of presentation slides should reflect theoretical knowledge and their reflection in practice). Separately, the ability to present your thoughts to others will also be assessed. In order to evaluate the quality of the study course as a whole, the student must fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire on the Student Portal.
Assessment Criteria:
Active participation in practical classes, quality of responses in practical classes; timely submission, qualitatively executed written homework; independent work – home tasks, self-control issues, exam – written.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Will know the sources of administrative law and the nature of their application. Will be able to separate administrative acts from other legal acts.
Skills:Skills to analyse, synthesize and evaluate the place and role of administrative process rights in work, develop scientific-research skills. Communication skills – to discuss the problem of the administrative process, to demonstrate social skills and emotional intelligence. Build reasoning and the ability to listen to opinions. Orientation for further learning skills – constantly structure your learning, analyze your level of knowledge and rationally complement, select and evaluate literature sources. Identify and formulate the problem, find causation, i.e. the "root" of the problem and offer constructive solutions to the problem. Other general skills are to take responsibility for their decisions and actions, to take critical decisions and to find solutions in unforeseen and changing circumstances, to adapt to new situations and to be open to change, to take the lead and initiative and to respond to the consequences, to comply with ethical norms, to demonstrate a wide range of general knowledge and competences. Improve the ability to listen to different opinions.
Competencies:Ability to perform specific tasks related to the administrative process, ability to use knowledge and skills in professional and personal development. The application of the rules is not only 'mechanical', but in accordance with the public interest and priorities, thus synthesizing the skills to work with the legislative framework and the understanding of the law in general. To offer not only formal solutions to the problems of the administrative law sector, but to find solutions that serve the wishes and priorities of the community (the local community) and improve public administration as a whole.
Required Reading
1Briede J., Danovskis E., Kovaļevska A. Administratīvās tiesības. Mācību grāmata. Otrais izdevums. Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2021. 384 Lpp
2Dišlers K. Ievads Administratīvo tiesību zinātnē. Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2002.
3Briede J., Danovskis E., Kovaļevska A. Administratīvās tiesības. Mācību grāmata. Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2016.
4Administratīvo pārkāpumu tiesības. Administratīvās atbildības likuma skaidrojumi / autoru kolektīvs E.Danovska un G.Kūtra zinātniskajā redakcijā. Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2020.
5Administratīvās atbildības reformas ceļvedis / Grāmatžurnāls. Rīga: Jurista Vārds, tematiskais laidiens (Nr.50/51/52, 17.12.2019)
Additional Reading
1Danovskis E. Publisko un privāto tiesību dalījuma nozīme un piemērošanas problēmas Latvijā. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2015.
2Vispārējie tiesību principi: tiesiskā drošība un tiesiskā paļāvība. Valsts pārvalde. Bizness. Jurisprudence. Autoru kolektīvs Ringolda Baloža vadībā. Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2017.