Scientific Laboratory of Transplantology
The beginnings of the Scientific Laboratory of Transplantology date back to 1972 when the Kidney Transplantation Department, at that time headed by Josifs Jarmolinskis , was established within the scope of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of Riga Medical Institute.
On 15 April 1973, the first kidney transplantation operation in Latvia was conducted in the Second Division of P. Stradiņš Republican Hospital (now - Latvian Transplant Centre) under the leadership of J. Jarmolinskis.
Active research work is being conducted at RSU Scientific Laboratory of Transplantology. During its 40-year-long existence, three Habil. Doctors of Medical Science and 17 Doctors of Medical Science have defended their dissertations at the Centre (including five dissertations that have been defended over the past 20 years). Such important problems as transplantation from live donors in cases of high sensitisation and ABO incompatibility, donation of organs from suboptimal donors and donors after cardiocirculatory death, possibilities to reduce and forecast post-transplantation complications and other topical issues in the field of medical science are being researched.
The main directions of scientific research of the laboratory are related to kidney transplantation and matters of haemodialysis.
- EU Health Programme 2008–2013. Coordinating a European initiative among national organisations for organ transplantation (COORENOR). Duration 2008 –2013
- EU Health Programme 2008–2013. Mutual Organ Donation and Transplantation Exchanges: Improving and developing cadaveric organ donation and transplantation programs (MODE). Duration 2008–2013
- Novartis Pharma AG. A 24 months, multi-center, open-label, randomised, controlled trial to investigate efficacy, safety and evolution of cardiovascular parameters in de novo renal transplant recipients after early calcineurin inhibitor to everolimus conversion. Duration 2011–2013