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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:72 / 108
Course supervisor:Sandra Kaija
Study type:Full time
Course level:Doctor
Target audience:Law
Language:English, Latvian
Branch of science:Law; Theory and History of Rights


The aim of the research is to develop doctoral students’ skills in publishing and presenting the results of their research work both locally and internationally by participating in conferences, preparing publications, by independently developing a doctoral thesis in co-operation with the doctoral thesis supervisor, as well as by preparing for academic work in a higher education institution.


Scientific Research Methodology.

Learning outcomes


Doctoral students are able to demonstrate that they are familiar with and understand the most topical scientific theories and conclusions; have mastered research methodology and modern research methods in the field of law or professional and interdisciplinary areas; that they know how to prepare the content of the study course and its organisational way; develop their knowledge of evaluating the problems, analysing the causes and finding solutions while developing their doctoral theses.


Doctoral students are able to develop arguments, draw and justify conclusions and maintain reasoned discussion, communicate and cooperate locally and internationally on current research issues in the field of law; to choose appropriate teaching methods and techniques in working with students; to create study materials according to the needs of students and within the context of studies.
The doctoral student has contributed to extension of the boundaries of knowledge or has developed profound understanding of the existing knowledge and its use in practice.
The doctoral student is able to communicate orally and in writing about their field of research (their branch) with the wider scientific community and society as a whole, as well as independently improve their scientific qualifications, carry out scientific projects achieving success corresponding to international criteria within the scientific sector.


Doctoral students are able to solve significant research or innovation tasks while performing independent, critical analysis, synthesis and assessment; to independently put forward the research idea, to plan, structure and manage large-scale scientific projects, including those within international context.
Doctoral students are able to carry out modern, original research in law; to implement out pedagogical activities in an institution of higher education.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.