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Russian Language

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:14.00
Study Course Accepted:16.04.2024 11:25:36
Study Course Information
Course Code:VC_099LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:4.00ECTS:6.00
Branch of Science:LinguisticsTarget Audience:Marketing and Advertising; Information and Communication Science; Psychology; Juridical Science; Communication Science
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Ludmila Jermakoviča
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)20Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes40
Total Contact Hours40
Full-Time - Semester No.2
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)20Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes40
Total Contact Hours40
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)10Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes20
Total Contact Hours20
Part-Time - Semester No.2
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)10Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes20
Total Contact Hours20
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
No preliminary knowledge of the Russian language is required.
Ensure that having completed the course, students are able to use Russian for communication in daily life and work-related situations in accordance with the description of skills corresponding to levels A1/A2 of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment”.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Alphabet. Pronunciation of vowels, consonants and letter combinations. Intonation models. Russian cursive letters.Classes4.00auditorium
2First contacts: greeting and saying goodbye, getting acquainted. Addressing someone formally (using second person plural) and informally (using second person singular) Defining noun gender by noun endings. Word order in the sentence. Questions with interrogative pronouns "кто?" and "что?” Personal pronouns "я, ты, он, она, оно, мы, вы, они" and possessive pronouns "чей? – мой, твой, его, её, наш, ваш, их".Classes4.00auditorium
3My family and I, family members and relatives. Professions. The names of countries, their languages, and nationalities. Genitive of personal pronouns. Phrases: "У меня есть...", "У тебя есть...?", "Кто вы? – Я студент". Full and shortened replies. Conjugation of verbs "говорить, изучать, читать, писать". Plural of nouns. Cardinal numbers from 1 to 100.Classes4.00auditorium
4Place of residence, house, flat, city. Conjugation of the verbs "жить, работать, отдыхать, смотреть, учиться, делать" in the present tense. Locative of the noun with prepositions "в" or "на" when replying to the question "Где?” The past form of the verb. The past forms of the verb "быть – был". "Где ты был вчера? Ты был вчера в.. или на...?” Adjective gender and number. Agreement with nouns. Interrogative pronouns "Какой? Какая? Какое? Какиe?”Classes4.00auditorium
5Food, dishes, drinks. Shopping at a grocery store, shop departments. Meals; menu, speaking in a cafe or restaurant. The conjugation of the verbs "есть, пить, любить, завтракать, обедать, ужинать". Accusative of the noun without prepositions. Imperative.Classes4.00auditorium
6Seasons, Days of the week and months. Hobbies. Conjugation of the modals "хотеть, мочь, должен" and their usage with the infinitive of the verb. Interrogative pronoun "Когда?" and time adverbs "утром, днём, вечером, ночью, зимой...". Accusative of the noun for directions "Куда? – в университет, на работу".Classes7.00auditorium
7Clock, time, time management. Time expression – formal and informal. "Который час?” Event time and venue "В котором часу...?” Years, birthdays – ordinal numbers from 1 to 10 and over 10. Reflexive verbs. Holidays, celebrations, traditions. Genitive of the noun with negation "нет, не было, не будет". Dative of personal pronouns "Сколько вам/тебе лет? Мне 20 лет/21 год".Classes7.00auditorium
8My daily routine. Planning of a weekday. Perfective and imperfective verbs, their forms and usage. Perfective verb prefixes "вы-, на-, по-, под-, при- про-, с-, за-, у-". Adverbs of imperfective verbs. "Как часто? – всегда, иногда, часто, редко, обычно, долго". The future tense – simple and compound future; future tense forms and conjugation. Interplay between perfective and imperfective verbs. Dative of the noun "– Кому? Чему?”Classes6.00auditorium
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Alphabet. Pronunciation of vowels, consonants and letter combinations. Intonation models. Russian cursive letters.Classes2.00auditorium
2First contacts: greeting and saying goodbye, getting acquainted. Addressing someone formally (using second person plural) and informally (using second person singular) Defining noun gender by noun endings. Word order in the sentence. Questions with interrogative pronouns "кто?" and "что?” Personal pronouns "я, ты, он, она, оно, мы, вы, они" and possessive pronouns "чей? – мой, твой, его, её, наш, ваш, их".Classes2.00auditorium
3My family and I, family members and relatives. Professions. The names of countries, their languages, and nationalities. Genitive of personal pronouns. Phrases: "У меня есть...", "У тебя есть...?", "Кто вы? – Я студент". Full and shortened replies. Conjugation of verbs "говорить, изучать, читать, писать". Plural of nouns. Cardinal numbers from 1 to 100.Classes2.00auditorium
4Place of residence, house, flat, city. Conjugation of the verbs "жить, работать, отдыхать, смотреть, учиться, делать" in the present tense. Locative of the noun with prepositions "в" or "на" when replying to the question "Где?” The past form of the verb. The past forms of the verb "быть – был". "Где ты был вчера? Ты был вчера в.. или на...?” Adjective gender and number. Agreement with nouns. Interrogative pronouns "Какой? Какая? Какое? Какиe?”Classes2.00auditorium
5Food, dishes, drinks. Shopping at a grocery store, shop departments. Meals; menu, speaking in a cafe or restaurant. The conjugation of the verbs "есть, пить, любить, завтракать, обедать, ужинать". Accusative of the noun without prepositions. Imperative.Classes2.00auditorium
6Seasons, Days of the week and months. Hobbies. Conjugation of the modals "хотеть, мочь, должен" and their usage with the infinitive of the verb. Interrogative pronoun "Когда?" and time adverbs "утром, днём, вечером, ночью, зимой...". Accusative of the noun for directions "Куда? – в университет, на работу".Classes4.00auditorium
7Clock, time, time management. Time expression – formal and informal. "Который час?” Event time and venue "В котором часу...?” Years, birthdays – ordinal numbers from 1 to 10 and over 10. Reflexive verbs. Holidays, celebrations, traditions. Genitive of the noun with negation "нет, не было, не будет". Dative of personal pronouns "Сколько вам/тебе лет? Мне 20 лет/21 год".Classes3.00auditorium
8My daily routine. Planning of a weekday. Perfective and imperfective verbs, their forms and usage. Perfective verb prefixes "вы-, на-, по-, под-, при- про-, с-, за-, у-". Adverbs of imperfective verbs. "Как часто? – всегда, иногда, часто, редко, обычно, долго". The future tense – simple and compound future; future tense forms and conjugation. Interplay between perfective and imperfective verbs. Dative of the noun "– Кому? Чему?”Classes3.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Home assignments to acquire active vocabulary and grammatical structures. Individual, pair and group work - preparation of dialogues, tasks and presentations according to the course topics. Students are obliged to fill in the course evaluation questionnaire at the end of the course.
Assessment Criteria:
Regular attendance of classes is required. Active participation in practical classes, home assignments completed for each class. Test at the end of each module, which may include reading, listening, language use, writing and speaking skils, in which at least 55% of the answers must be corred to receive a pass. At the end of the 1st semester, a semester test with a cumulative assessment, taking into account the results of the tests and participation in the course during the semester. Examination at the end of the course, which may include reading, listening, writing and speaking skils and vocabulary use. The final grade consists of; examination - 20%; average grade of tests - 70%; attendance - 10%.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Having acquired the course material, students will know the rules of Russian pronunciation and writing, the basic Russian vocabulary, basic statements and questions, correct word order in the sentence; phrases required for starting and maintaining communication, information exchange; common Russian language patterns; the formation and use of Russian verbs in the past, present, and future. Students are aware of the aspects of intercultural relations in the use of language.
Skills:Having acquired the course material, students will be able: to comprehend simple texts on familiar everyday topics, letters, invitations, advertisements in media and other authentic materials; to use the acquired language in everyday communicative situations, toretell and paraphrase the text expressing own opinion, including the consideration of intercultural communication aspects.
Competencies:Having acquired the course material, students will be able: to give some information about themselves, their family, living conditions and studies; to produce an invitation or a personal letter, short messages, put down some information; to produce a monologue or to participate in a dialogue on various topics related to daily routine and studies, while demonstrating awareness of the intercultural aspects of communication.
Required Reading
1М.М. Нахабина, В.Е. Антонова, И.И.Жабоклицкая, И.В. Курлова, О.В. Смирнова, А.А. Толстых Русский сезон, учебник по русскому языку, Златоуст, 2019
2М.М. Нахабина, В.Е.Антонова, И.И. Жабоклицкая, И.В. Курлова, О.В. Смирнова, А.А. Толстых Русский сезон, рабочая тетрадь, Златоуст, 2018
Additional Reading
1Шкатулка, пособие по чтению для иностранцев, начинающих изучать русский язык. Москва, 2018
2M. Krasnais, V.Pužule, G. Silakalne. „Krievu valodas gramatikas rokasgrāmata”. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2014
3Krievu-latviešu vārdnīca ar skaidrojumiem un piemēriem. Zvaigzne ABC, 2005
4Универсальный справочник по паблик рилейшнз. Ростов-на-Дону, 2008
Other Information Sources
1Language Link