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Thursday, 19 Sep – Symposia, Seminars, Master Classes
8:30 - 16:00 

(Lobby of the RSU Main Building)


8:30  – 16:30 

Exhibition of rehabilitation technologies
(Lobby of the RSU Main Building)

-        SIA “Arbor Medical Korporācija”
-        SIA “BEKA Baltic”
-        SIA “Balt Aliance”
-        SIA “Krisostomus Latvija” 
-        SIA “Dziedniecība”
-        SIA “Medilink”
-        SIA “Dinastija”
-        UAB “Medlinkas” 
-        SIA Palī (paid for by SIA OC Consulting)


9:30  – 11:30 

Supply of Technical Assistive Devices in Rehabilitation Practice
(RSU Great Hall)

  • Jaunumi ortozēšanas materiālu jomā - ORFIT Industries ortozēšanas austie materiāli, to īpašības un pielietojums praksē, fizioterapeite  Anete Ķīvīte ( 
  • EMG - triggered robotic movements. Lecturer - Dr. Anna Poswiata Egzo Tech Sp.z.o.o. (in English) 
  • Hand therapy benefits with Gloreha robotic system. Lecturer - Dr. Daniele Chiodi - Gloreha product specialist (in English)

Alternative Digital Communication / SIA Arbor
(Hippocrates Auditorium)

Various digital alternative communication devices to eliminate communication disorders are rapidly gaining popularity. However, poor recognition rates among clinicians delay the development of such devices. The objective of this seminar is to introduce specialists practising in the area of rehabilitation to current issues, as well as to the supply of such devices in Latvia.

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break

11:30 – 13:00

Pre-Congress Symposium I
Rehabilitation Services for Children and Rare Diseases

Although the availability of diagnostics and medications are emphasised as the main topics in the area of rare diseases, the quality of life of children affected by these within their families, as well as other developmental disorders, is greatly linked to the availability of adequate rehabilitation services. This international symposium will provide a space to share opinions, as well as provide better understanding of rehabilitation capacities offered in Latvia.

Topicalities of telemedicine in Latvia / Digital Health Society 

The use of the opportunities offered by telemedicine and telerehabilitation is one of the solutions for the problem of limited availability of specialist physicians in various regions of Latvia. The objective of the seminar is to introduce participants with effective legal regulation and opportunities to develop this field in Latvia.

13:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:30

Pre-Congress Symposium II
The Problem of Spasticity in Rehabilitation                         

Spasticity and its correction provides a great challenge for the practice of neurorehabilitation. The objective of the symposium is to summarise the domestic and foreign experience that is suitable for Latvian conditions in order to increase the range of these services offered in Latvia.

Meeting of the heads of rehabilitation institutions 
Reforms in the Latvian Organisation of Rehabilitation Services

The last two years are marked by the commencement of extensive reforms in the area of the organisation of rehabilitation services. The objective of the meeting is to review the opinions on the achievements of 2018/19 and to discuss further developments.

15:30 – 16:00

Coffee break

15:30 – 16:00

Opening of the Congress
Festive Session Dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation

The RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation is a unique solution in the development of the rehabilitation system that, together with clinical and other types of support provided by the National Rehabilitation Centre Vaivari, has ensured rapid development of a training system for professionals that is required in the field of rehabilitation not only within RSU, but at other Latvian higher educational institutions as well. As public demand changes, the organisation of rehabilitation is changing as well, and this interaction causes changes that affect the training of functional specialists at the Faculty of Rehabilitation.

17:00 –17:40

Inauguration Ceremony of Honorary Doctor, Prof. Črt Marinček

The development of rehabilitation in Latvia is not imaginable without wide international support. Prof. Črt Marinček (Slovenia) has ensured Latvian specialists to be closely integrated into European physical and rehabilitation medicine organisations, simultaneously supporting the development of various rehabilitation therapies.

17:40 – 18:00

Presentation of the book Veselības psiholoģijas teorija un prakse. Starpdisciplinārā perspektīva (Theory and Practice of Health Psychology. An Interdisciplinary Perspective.)

From 18:00


Friday, 20 Sep – Congress

9:00 – 10:30

Parallel Sessions / Location A (TBD)
International Classification of Functioning and Functionality Assessment

Assessment of functions is the basis to commence any type of rehabilitation measure. The International Classification of Functioning (ICF) ensures a united approach to the differentiation of functional disorders and any attempts at further development of a rehabilitation system must be linked with the integration of this classification into the Latvian healthcare system at a national level. 

Parallel Sessions / Location B (TBD)
The Education of Rehabilitation Specialists

In accordance with the current requirements for rehabilitation specialists’ professional competences, the overall education system of these specialists in Latvia is on a generally good level, however, the real situation in the area of healthcare services in Latvia requires raising the therapeutic liability of these specialists and, consequently, a change to the education processes.

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30

Plenary Session I
Multiprofessional Rehabilitation and Teamwork

Teamwork lies at the basis of organising the rehabilitation process. Contemporary clinical practice keeps posing unanswered questions with a wide diversity of opinions, especially in regards to teamwork in a multidisciplinary clinical environment.

12:30 – 14:00

Poster presentations

14:00 – 15:30

Parallel sessions | Location C (TBD)
Organising Rehabilitation Services in Psychiatry

Providing services to patients with psychiatric illnesses by using the resources and the structure of the existing rehabilitation systems is one of the topical issues in Latvian professional rehabilitation.

Parallel sessions | Location D (TBD)
Therapies in Rehabilitation

Rehabilitācija, atbilstoši Pasaules veselības organizācijas nostādnēm, aptver rehabilitācijas medicīnu, terapijas un palīgtehnoloģijas. Terapijas pārsvarā ir dažādu rehabilitācijas speciālistu, ne tikai ārstu, kompetencē, un kongresā ir nepieciešama diskusija par to organizāciju un iesaistīto speciālistu tiesībām un atbildību.

15:30 –16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 17:30

Plenary Session II
Conclusion of the congress
The Organisation of Rehabilitation Services in Latvia

Kongresa noslēgumā paredzēti ziņojumi par kongresa laikā izrunāto un nolemto, sniedzot vērtējumu par rehabilitācijas sistēmas attīstību tuvāko gadu laikā.

From 18:00

Alumni Reunion of the RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation

Anyone who has graduated the Rehabilitation Specialist study programme offered by the faculty, is invited to the alumni reunion of the RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation. All other congress participants are welcome to join the event as well.