Resources A - Z
- 0 - 9
- 100 Labi Padomi - Periodical.
- 100 Labi Padomi par Veselību - Periodical.
- 101 + Careers in Public Health - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- 21st Century Sociology: A Reference Handbook - E-book. EBSCOhost
- 4.Dimensija - Health Center 4 Beauty Clinic.
- 99 Tips for Creating Simple and Sustainable Educational Videos. A Guide for Online Teachers and Flipped Classes - E-book. EBSCOhost
- A
- A aptieka - Pharmacy.
- A Counselor's Guide to the Dissertation Process: Where to Start and How to Finish - E-book. Ebook Central
- A Dictionary of Dental Terms - Dictionary.
- A Dictionary of Epidemiology, 5 e. - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- A History of Belarus: a Non-Literary essay that Explains the Ethnogenesis of the Belarusians - E-book. EBSCOhost
- A History of Personality Psychology : Theory, Science, and Research from Hellenism to the Twenty-First Century - E-book. EBSCOhost
- A Long Goodbye to Bismarck?: The Politics of Welfare Reform in Continental Europe - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Learning by Design - E-book. EBSCOhost
- A.S.P.E.N. Pediatric Nutrition Support Core Curriculum - E-book. EBSCOhost
- ABC Chemistry - E-journal database.
- ABC of mental health : ABC series - E-book. Ebook Central
- About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design - E-book. Ebook Central
- Academic Psychiatry - E-journal.
- Academic Quality Handbook: Enhancing Higher Education in Universities and Further Education Colleges - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Academic Search Complete - 0ffers over 8500 full-text journals and 12,500 journals with article abstracts in various scientific fields.
- Academic Video Online - Video material available with curricular relevance: documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, and more.
- AccessDermatologyDxRx - AccessDermatologyDxRx is a comprehensive resource for all physicians and other healthcare providers including medical students, dermatology residents, internists, oncologists, and infectious disease specialists. With thousands of images that include all of the essential information to help you with clinical decision-making, this resource covers the full scope of dermatologic conditions.
- AccessMedicine - AccessMedicine from McGraw-Hill Medical is a comprehensive online medical resource that provides a complete spectrum of knowledge from the best minds in medicine, with essential information accessible anywhere. AccessMedicine contains full text for more than 80 textbooks, a unique collection of more than 250 examination and procedural videos, to more than 1,000 diagnoses through Diagnosaurus, practice guidelines, diagnostic tests, patients education information, drug database, images, etc.
- AccessPharmacy - AccessPharmacy gives pharmacy students instant access to multimedia and pharmacy textbooks that will establish an important foundation for learning, and allows practicing pharmacists to get information instantly about drugs, herbs and supplements, and consult features and editorials concerning the vast array of current pharmacy publications.
- ACSM's Complete Guide to Fitness & Health - E-book. EBSCOhost
- ACSM's sports medicine : a comprehensive review - E-book. Ebook Central
- Acta Chirurgica Latviensis - E-journal database.
- Active Education for Future Doctors - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Acute Care Surgery - E-book. Ebook Central
- Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Adolescents, music and music therapy : methods and techniques for clinicians, educators and students - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Adult children of alcoholics - For patients.
- Adult psychopathology and diagnosis - E-book. Ebook Central
- Advanced Generalist Social Work Practice - E-book. Ebook Central
- Advanced Personal Training : Science to practice - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Advanced Public and Community Health Nursing Practice : Population Assessment, Program Planning and Evaluation - E-book. Ebook Central
- Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Advanced Research Methods in Psychology - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Advanced Social Psychology : The State of the Science - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Advances in Military Textiles and Personal Equipment - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Advances in Social Work Practice with the Military - E-book. Ebook Central
- Advancing Family Theories - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Advertising Account Planning: A Practical Guide - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Advertising: Types of Methods, Perceptions and Impact on Consumer Behavior - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Age and Ageing - E-journal.
- Aggression : a Social Learning Analysis (An Analysis of Albert Bandura's Aggression ) - E-book. EBSCOhost
- AGH - Medical and laboratory furniture.
- Agrarian Reform in Russia: The Road from Serfdom - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Al-Anon - Alcohol addiction.
- Alcoholics Anonymous - For patients.
- Alexander Street - Multimedia database.
- All Marketers Are Liars : The Underground Classic That Explains How Marketing Really Works and Why Authenticity Is the Best Marketing of All - E-book. EBSCOhost
- All Marketers Are Liars : The Underground Classic That Explains How Marketing Really Works--and Why Authenticity Is the Best Marketing of All - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Allmovie by Rovi - Dictionary.
- Allmusic by Rovi - Dictionary.
- AMBOSS - AMBOSS is a learning system for medical students. Unlimited library usage and 100 questions per month. Limited for 2000 enrolled students of Medical Faculty.
- America Between the Wars - E-book. Ebook Central
- American Family Physician - E-journal.
- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - E-journal.
- American Journal of Epidemiology - Periodical.
- American Journal of Kidney Diseases - E-journal.
- American Journal of Neuro radiology - E-journal.
- American Journal of Ophthalmology - E-journal.
- American Journal of Pathology - E-journal.
- American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology - E-journal.
- American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism - E-journal.
- American Journal of Physiology gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology - E-journal.
- American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology - E-journal.
- American Journal of Physiology Regular, Integrative and Comparative Physiology - E-journal.
- American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology - E-journal.
- American Journal of Psychiatry - E-journal.
- American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine - E-journal.
- American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology - E-journal.
- American Journal of Roentgenology - E-journal.
- American Journal of Sports Medicine - E-journal.
- American Medical Association (AMA) - Association.
- American Medical News - E-journal.
- American Scientist - E-journal.
- Amoral Thoughts About Morality: The Intersection of Science, Psychology, and Ethics - E-book. EBSCOhost
- An intellectual history of psychology - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- An Introduction To Counselling - E-book. EBSCOhost
- An Introduction to Genetic Epidemiology - E-book. EBSCOhost
- An Introduction to Orthodontics - E-book. Ebook Central
- An Introduction to Public Health and Epidemiology - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law - E-book. EBSCOhost
- An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on Which are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Analysing Student Feedback in Higher Education: Using Text-Mining to Interpret the Student Voice - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Analytics and Decision Support in Health Care Operations Management - E-book. Ebook Central
- Analyzing Qualitative Data - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Anatomy Next - Anatomy Next – an interactive 3D anatomy learning platform.
- Annals of Biomedical Engineering - E-journal.
- Annas Psiholoģija - Periodical.
- Annual Reviews - Annual reports (USA) in open access in various scientific fields, including social sciences.
- Anonymous disproportionate eaters - For patients.
- Anonymous Gamblers - For patients.
- Anthropological Journal of European Cultures - Periodical.
- Antibiotic and Chemotherapy - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy - E-journal.
- APA PsycTherapy - An APA database of psychotherapy videos. Featuring expert psychotherapists demonstrating the approaches for which they are known in unscripted, spontaneous sessions, APA PsycTherapy provides access to hundreds of hours of therapy demonstrations involving diverse participants and various presenting issues.
- Apeirons - Association for the Disabled.
- Aphasia : Clinical Manifestations, Treatment Options and Impact on Quality of Life - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Aphasia and its Therapy - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Aphasia and Other Acquired Neurogenic Language Disorders : A Guide for Clinical Excellence - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Applied and Enviromental Microbiology - E-journal.
- Applied clinical neuropsychology - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Applied Epidemiology : Theory to Practice - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Applied Exercise & Sport Physiology with Labs - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Applied Helping Skills:Transforming Lives - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Applied Mixed Models in Medicine - E-book. Ebook Central
- Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Applied Multivariate Statistics - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics - E-book. Ebook Central
- Applying Theory to Generalist Social Work Practice - E-book. Ebook Central
- Aptiekāra Žurnāls - Periodical.
- Archives of Diseases in Chikdhood including Fetal and Neonatal Edition - E-journal.
- Arizona Health Sciences Library - Library.
- Art therapy and health care - E-book. Ebook Central
- Art therapy for groups: A handbook of themes and exercises - E-book. Ebook Central
- Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology - E-journal.
- Arts therapies in schools: research and practice - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide 3rd Edition - E-book. Ebook Central
- Assessment as Learning: Maximising Opportunities for Student Learning and Achievement - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Assessment in speech-language pathology: a resource manual - E-book. Ebook Central
- Astes - Periodical.
- At a Glance : Adult Emergency Medicine at a Glance - E-book. Ebook Central
- Atlas of Human Anatomy - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices - E-book. ClinicalKey
- ATSDR Glossary of Terms - Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry.
- Audio Vision: Sound on Screen - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Adults with Aphasia - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Australian Medical Association - Association.
- Ārsts.lv - Periodical.
- B
- Ballenger's Otolaryngology - E-book. Ebook Central
- Baltic Business Quarterly - Periodical.
- Baltic Postcolonialism - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Bartleby.com – Great Books Online - The database offers electronic information search, free access to many books (Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body, etc.).
- Basic & Clinical Biostatistics - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Basic & Clinical Pharmacology - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Basic Concepts in Pharmacology: What You Need to Know for Each Drug Class - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Basic Guide to Infection Prevention and Control in Dentistry - E-book. Ebook Central
- Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion - E-book. Ebook Central
- Basic Radiology - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Basics of Psychotherapy: A Practical Guide to Improving Clinical Success - E-book. EBSCOhost
- BBC News Health - E-journal.
- Beauty Cloud : Kosmetik Baltikum speciālizlaidums - Periodical.
- Becoming the news: How ordinary people respond to the media spotlight - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Before we are Born: Essentials of Embryology and Birth Defects - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Behavioral Dentistry - E-book. Ebook Central
- Behavioral medicine : a guide for clinical practice - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Behind the Facade of Stalin's Command Economy : Evidence From the Soviet State and Party Archives - E-book. Ebook Central
- Beyond Welfare State Models : transnational historical perspectives on social policy - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Bentham Open Access - Bentham OPEN offers access to over 230 peer-reviewed open access journals. These online journals cover all major scientific disciplines: medicine, engineering, and social sciences.
- BENU aptieka - Pharmacy.
- Berne and Levy Physiology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Best of Photographic Lighting: techniques and images for digital photographers - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Big Change, Best Path : Successfully Managing Organizational Change with Wisdom, Analytics and Insight - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Big Data Analytics - E-book. Ebook Central
- Biķernieki - Health center.
- Biobank - Stem Cell Banking Alliance.
- Bioethics : an anthology - E-book. Ebook Central
- Biomaterial Science. An Introduction to Material in Medicine - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- BiomedCentral - A publisher providing direct open access to biomedical resources. More than 130 journals in various biomedical fields (most of them freely available in full text), clinical trials database, biomedical news. Search for journals by title or category. News, information for scientists, overview of controlled trials.
- Biophysical Journal - E-journal.
- Biostatistical Design and Analysis Using R: A Practical Guide - E-book. Ebook Central
- Biostatistics for Epidemiology and Public Health Using - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Birth home “Harmonija” - Clinic.
- Blood Cells - E-book. Ebook Central
- Blood - E-journal.
- Blue Ocean Strategy : How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant - E-book. EBSCOhost
- BMJ Journals - The British Medical Journal online version and BMJ Journals Online Collection online journal collection, access to over 20 leading medical journals and their archives.
- BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine - E-journal.
- Bolsheviks : The Intellectual and Political History of the Triumph of Communism in Russia - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Bookshelf - Online access to books and documents on health science and care.
- Braddom's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Bradley and Daroff's Neurology in Clinical Practice - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Bradley's Neurology in Clinical Practice - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Brand Management in Emerging Markets : Theories and Practice - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Brand Meaning : meaning, myth and mystique in today's brands - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Brand Protection in the Online World : A Comprehensive Guide - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Brand Valued : How Socially Valued Brands Hold the Key to a Sustainable Future and Business Success - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Breaking the Cycle of Failed Change Management - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Breakup 2.0: Disconnecting over New Media - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Breast Surgery: A Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Brenner and Rector's The Kidney - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Brief Counselling: A Practical Guide for Beginning Practitioners - E-book. Ebook Central
- Brill Online Books and Journals - The database offers full-text books and journal articles in the humanities, international law, and biology. Most books and journals are available for a fee, but there are also some journals and books that are available for free.
- British Medical Association (BMA) - Association.
- British Medical Association Library - Library.
- British Medical Journal - E-journal.
- Brunnstrom’s Clinical Kinesiology. Sixth edition - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Periodical.
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Publication.
- Business Communication - E-book. Ebook Central
- Business Ethics 3. 0 : The New Integral Ethics - E-book. Ebook Central
- Business model generation : a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers - E-book. EBSCOhost
- C
- CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians - E-journal.
- Cambridge Dictionaries Online - Dictionary.
- Cambridge Journal of Anthropology - Periodical.
- Cambridge University Library: Medical Library - Library.
- Cambridge University Press - The Universal Full-Text Database provides the opportunity to search for and find information in scientific journals on various topics: biology, medicine, culture, history, ecology, social sciences, economics, business, psychology, philosophy, and more. Access to full-text journals is available up to the year 2010.
- Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Canadian Journal of Surgery, Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine - E-journal database.
- Canadian Medical Association (CMA) - Association.
- Canadian Medical Association Journal - E-journal.
- Cancer Control - E-journal.
- Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Categorical Data Analysis - E-book. Ebook Central
- Causal Inference in Statistics - E-book. Ebook Central
- Causality: models, reasoning, and inference - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- CBT for chronic pain and psychological well-being: a skills training manual integrating DBT, ACT, behavioral activation and motivational interviewing - E-book. Ebook Central
- CDC Health Information for International Travel 2014: The Yellow Book - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- CDC stacks Public Health Publications - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Cell Biology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Cell Phone : An Anthropology of Communication - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Cell - E-journal.
- Cellular and Molecular Immunology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Central European Journal of Communication - E-journal.
- Centre for Human Spiritual Development - For patients.
- Centre for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Dentistry.
- Centre for Personal Development - For patients.
- Century of State Murder?: Death and Policy in Twentieth Century Russia - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Chaos, Violence, Dynasty: Politics and Islam in Central Asia - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty - E-book. Ebook Central
- Chemistry for the Biosciences : The Essential Concepts - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Child Hearing Center of Latvia - Clinic.
- Child Psychotherapist and Problems of Young People - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Children in Hazardous Work : What we Know, What we Need to Do - E-book. Ebook Central
- Children on the Streets of the Americas : Globalization, Homelessness and Education in the United States - E-book. Ebook Central
- Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities the essential guide to assessment and management - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Children's Clinical University Hospital - Hospital.
- Children's Speech Sound Disorders - E-book. Ebook Central
- Christopher Grey's Studio Lighting Techniques for Photography: tricks of the trade for professional digital photographers - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Circulation Research - E-journal.
- Circulation - E-journal.
- Citādā Pasaule - Periodical.
- Cito - Electronic edition.
- Cito!: informatīvs izdevums ārstiem, farmaceitiem un citiem veselības aprūpes speciālistiem - Periodical.
- Clinic „Quartus” - Clinic.
- Clinic Dzintari - Health center.
- Clinic EGV - Clinic.
- Clinical Anesthesia, EBook Without Multimedia Barash - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis in Social Work Practice - E-book. Ebook Central
- Clinical Assessment for Massage Therapy: a practical guide - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Clinical Audiology: An Introduction - E-book. Ebook Central
- Clinical Cases in Dental Hygiene - E-book. Ebook Central
- Clinical Chemistry - E-journal.
- Clinical Child Psychiatry - E-book. Ebook Central
- Clinical Dentistry - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Clinical Diagnosis in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Clinical Epidemiology : The Essentials, 5 e. - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Clinical Immunolog: principles and practice - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Clinical interviewing - E-book. Ebook Central
- Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Clinical Microbiology Reviews - E-journal.
- Clinical Neurology Simon - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Clinical neuropsychology. A practical guide to assessment and management for clinicians - E-book. Ebook Central
- Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation: A Team Approach - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry - E-book. Ebook Central
- Clinical Pharmacology Brown - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Clinical Research and the Law - E-book. Ebook Central
- Clinical Respiratory Medicine - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Clinical Respiratory Medicine : Expert Consult - E-book. ClinicalKey
- ClinicalKey - ClinicalKey is a medical search engine and database tool owned by medical and scientific publishing company Elsevier that offers access to the medical library published by that company. Users of ClinicalKey are given full-text access to over 500 of Elsevier's journals, 1000 books, and 9,000 medical and procedural videos. To help users decide which are the most relevant articles and authoritative authors, the system provides a series of original reviews by subject matter experts known as Clinical Overviews.
- Clinician’s Guide to Psychological Assessment and Testing : With Forms and Templates for Effective Practice - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Clinician's Pocket Reference: The Scut Monkey - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Closing the Books: Transitional Justice in Historical Perspective - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Cochlear Hearing Loss - E-book. Ebook Central
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Applications, Methods and Outcomes - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in the Real World: Back to Basics - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Cognitive Psychology - E-book. EBSCOhost
- CogPrints - Articles in psychology, neuroscience, biology.
- Cohen's Pathways of the PULP - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Collaborative case conceptualization - E-book. Ebook Central
- Colonialism in Question: Theory, Knowledge, History - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Colorectal Surgery: A Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility : Perspectives and Practice - E-book. Ebook Central
- Communicating with Children and Adolescents: Action for Change - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Communicating Women's Health : Social and Cultural Norms that Influence Health Decisions - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Communication Competence - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Communication in Responsible Business : Strategies, Concepts, and Cases - E-book. Ebook Central
- Communication of Politics : Cross-Cultural Theory Building in the Practice of Public Relations and Political Marketing - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Communication Skills for Adult Nurses - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Communication Source - A research database in communication sciences, mass media, and related fields, offering both article abstracts and full texts.
- Communication, Cultural and Media Studies - E-book. Ebook Central
- Communications Writing and Design : The Integrated Manual for Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations - E-book. Ebook Central
- Community and Public Health Nursing - E-book. Ebook Central
- Community Policing - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Companion to Television - E-book. Ebook Central
- Comparative civilizations and multiple modernities : A Collection of Essays - E-book. Ebook Central
- Comparative Media Systems: European and Global Perspectives - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and Politics. Communication, Society and Politics - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Comprehensive Perspectives on Speech Sound Development and Disorders : Pathways From Linguistic Theory to Clinical Practice - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Comprehensive Strategic Management : A Guide for Students, Insight for Managers - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Concepts of Epidemiology : An Integrated Introduction to the Ideas, Theories, Principles, and Methods of Epidemiology - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Concepts of Epidemiology :integrating the ideas, theories, principles, and methods of epidemiology - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Conceptualising the Digital University: The Intersection of Policy, Pedagogy and Practice - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Concise Encyclopedia of Professional Services Marketing - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Concise Guide to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - E-book. Ebook Central
- Concise Histology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Concise History of Russia - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Conditioning Young Athletes - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Conflict and Security in Central Asia and the Caucasus - E-book. Ebook Central
- Conn's Current Therapy - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Conquistadores de la Calle : Child Street Labor in Guatemala City - E-book. Ebook Central
- Conservative Christianity, Gender Identity, and Religious Liberty : a Primer and a Proposal - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Constructing measures: an item response modeling approach - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Contemporary Clinical Psychology - E-book. Ebook Central
- Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Control and Subversion: Gender Relations in Tajikistan - E-book. Ebook Central
- CORE (COnnecting REpositories) - CORE aggregates scientific research (full text of scientific articles) from data providers around the world, including institutional repositories, institutional repositories, and journal publishers. CORE currently contains 83,326,016 open access articles from over ten thousand journals, aggregated from over 3,758 repositories worldwide.
- Core Topics in General and Emergency Surgery - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Cosmetic Science and Technology Theoretical Principles and Applications - E-book. Ebook Central
- Cotton and Williams' Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - E-book. Ebook Central
- Counseling Ethics: Philosophical and Professional Foundations - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Counselling Skills : A Practical Guide for Counsellors and Helping Professionals - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Counterterrorism Policies in Central Asia - E-book. Ebook Central
- Create Documentary Films, Videos, and Multimedia: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Documentary Storytelling Techniques for Film, Video, the Internet and Digital Media Projects - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Creating children's art games for emotional support - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Creating Competitive Advantage : Give Customers a Reason to Choose You Over Your Competitors - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Creation of States in International Law - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Creative Arts Therapies Manual: A Guide to the History, Theoretical Approaches, Assessment, and Work with Special Populations of Art, Play, Dance, Music, Drama, and Poetry Therapies - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Creative People Must Be Stopped : 6 Ways We Kill Innovation (Without Even Trying) - E-book. Ebook Central
- Creativity and Beyond: Cultures, Values and Change - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Criminal Profiling : an introduction to behavioral evidence analysis - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Criminology : theory, research, and policy - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Crisis Intervention : A Handbook of Immediate Person-to-person Help - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Crisis Management for Corporate Self-defense : How to Protect Your Organization in a Crisis-- How to Stop a Crisis Before It Start - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Critical Analysis Skills for Social Workers - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Critical Perspectives on Coercive Interventions : Law, Medicine and Society - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Cross-Cultural Interaction and Understanding: Theory, Practice, & Reality : Theory, Practice and Reality - E-book. Ebook Central
- Cross-Cultural Interaction and Understanding: Theory, Practice, & Reality : Theory, Practice, and Reality - E-book. Ebook Central
- Cultural Turn - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Culture and Reflexivity in Systemic Psychotherapy : Mutual Perspectives - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Cummings Otolaryngology, Sixth Edition - E-book. ClinicalKey
- CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Emergency Medicine - E-book. AccessMedicine
- CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment in Family Medicine, 3e. - E-book. AccessMedicine
- CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Family Medicine, 4e. - E-book. AccessMedicine
- CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Obstetrics & Gynecology, 11e. - E-book. AccessMedicine
- CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Occupational & Environmental Medicine - E-book. AccessMedicine
- CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Pediatrics - E-book. AccessMedicine
- CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Rheumatology - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Current diagnosis and treatment : geriatrics - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment - E-book. AccessMedicine
- CURRENT Practice Guidelines in Primary Care 2018 - E-book. AccessMedicine
- CURRENT Practice Guidelines in Primary Care 2019 - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Current Surgical Therapy - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Customs Modernization Handbook - E-book. Ebook Central
- D
- Dacie and Lewis Practical Haematology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Dale and Appelbe`s Pharmacy and Medicines Law - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Daniels and Worthingham's Muscle Testing: Techniques of Manual Examination - E-book. EBSCOhost
- DAP - Health center.
- Data mining with R:learning with case studies - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Daugavpils reģionālā slimnīca - Clinic.
- Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Decision Modelling for Health Economic Evaluation - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Decoding the New Consumer Mind : How and Why We Shop and Buy - E-book. Ebook Central
- Decolonizing Social Work - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Defining Music Therapy - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Deko - Periodical.
- DeLisas Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice - E-book. Ebook Central
- Democracy and the Global Order : from the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Denta - Dentistry.
- Dental clinic "Elizabete" - Hospital.
- Dental Clinic “Doktors Millers Medent” - Dentistry.
- Dental clinic 33.zobs - Dentistry.
- Dental Medical Riga - Dentistry.
- Dental Public Health at a Glance - E-book. Ebook Central
- Dentatop - Dentistry.
- Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source - Includes full-text journals on dentistry, endodontics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, prosthodontics, and more.
- Der Spiegel - Periodical.
- Dermatological Signs of Systemic Disease - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Dermatology: 2-Volume Set - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Design and analysis of clinical trials : concepts and methodologies - E-book. Ebook Central
- Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team - E-book. Ebook Central
- Designing Interfaces : Patterns for Effective Interaction Design - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Designing Learning: From Module Outline to Effective Teaching 2nd New edition - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Deutsch Perfekt: das aktuelle Magazin für Deutsch – Lerner - Periodical.
- Deutsches Ärzteblatt - E-journal.
- Developing Your Teaching: Towards Excellence 2nd New edition - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Developmental Psychopathology: Theory and Method - E-book. Ebook Central
- Developmental Psychophysiology: Theory, Systems, and Methods - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Diagnosing the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- DiaMed - Magnetic resonance center.
- Dictators Without Borders: power and money in Central Asia - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Dictionary of Advertising and Marketing Concepts - E-book. Ebook Central
- Dictionary of Social Work: the Definitive a to Z of Social Work and Social Care - E-book. Ebook Central
- Dictionary.com Translator - Dictionary.
- Dictionary.com - Dictionary.
- Didactics of Smart Pedagogy : Smart Pedagogy for Technology Enhanced Learning - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Diena - Periodical.
- Dienas Bizness - Periodical.
- Differences and Motivation - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Children with Speech Disorder - E-book. Ebook Central
- Difficult Decisions in Endocrine Surgery : An Evidence-Based Approach - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Difficult Decisions in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery : An Evidence-Based Approach - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Digital Book Index - Links to paid and free electronic books on the Internet.
- Digital Health : Scaling Healthcare to the World - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Digital Strategies for Powerful Corporate Communications - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Dignity, Mental Health, and Human Rights : coercion and the law - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Dignity, Mental Health, and Human Rights : coercion and the law, - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Diplomatic Law - E-book. Ebook Central
- Direct Practice Skills for Evidence-Based Social Work : A Strengths-Based Text and Workbook - E-book. Ebook Central
- Directory of Open Access Books - Offers 750 open access e-books from 20 publishers in various scientific fields.
- Directory of Open Access Journals - Search engine for freely available periodicals. Search by title, by industry. Search within articles is also possible.
- Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social Movement - 150,000 pages of primary sources, supporting materials, and archives, along with 125 hours of video. The content is essential for teaching and research—not only in the growing disciplines of disability history and disability studies, but also in history, media, the arts, political science, education, and other areas where the contributions of the disability community are typically overlooked.
- Diversity in the European Union - E-book. EBSCOhost
- DynaMed - Evidence-based medical information handbook containing clinical reviews on various medical topics.
- Dyslexia, Reading and the Brain - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Dysphagia: Complications, Management and Clinical Aspects - E-book. EBSCOhost
- DNA Research, Genetics, and Cell Biology - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Do More Faster : Techstars Lessons to Accelerate Your Startup - E-book. Ebook Central
- Doctus : žurnāls ārstiem un farmaceitiem - Periodical.
- Doing Bayesian Data Analysis - E-book. Ebook Central
- Doing Business 2014: Understanding Regulations for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises - E-book. Ebook Central
- Doing Family Photography : The Domestic, The Public and The Politics of Sentiment - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Doing Research in Social Work and Social Care : The Journey from Student to Practitioner Researcher - E-book. Ebook Central
- Domuzīme : literatūra, publicistika, vēsture - Periodical.
- Double Exposures : Performance As Photography, Photography As Performance - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Dr. Apine Dental Clinic - Dentistry.
- Dr. Julia Katkevicha's day dentistry - Dentistry.
- Dr. Skricka Contactlences Center - Clinic.
- Dr. Solomatin Eye Center - Clinic.
- Dr.Janis Gilis’ private clinic - Dr.med. Jānis Ģīlis private clinic.
- Driving Innovation : Intellectual Property Strategies for a Dynamic World - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Drug Addiction and Families - E-book. Ebook Central
- Drug Addicts Anonymous - For patients.
- Drug Metabolism and Disposition - E-journal.
- Drugs in Use : Case Studies for Pharmacists and Prescribers - E-book. EBSCOhost
- E
- E. Gulbis Laboratory - Clinical laboratory.
- eBook Academic Collection - Contains over 100,000 full-text books in medicine, history, philosophy, social sciences, political science, law, and more.
- Ebook and Texts Archive:The Library of Congress - The resource offers free books and texts for download. The Ebook and Texts Archive contains a wide range of popular fiction, children's books, historical texts, and academic books.
- Ebook Central (ProQuest) - Ebook Central collection is a multidisciplinary collection of over 125,000 scholarly e-books from leading scholarly publishers
- EBSCO eBook Academic Collection - Multidisciplinary eBook database, contains full text for nearly 200 000 books.
- EBSCO - E-journal database.
- Economic Evaluation in Health Care - E-book. Ebook Central
- Economics of International Business - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Economist - Periodical.
- Ectaco - Dictionary.
- Eduards Jurševičs Plastic Surgery - Clinic.
- Educational Psychology Casework: A Practice Guide - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Educational Psychology: Cognition and Learning, Individual - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Educational Supervision in Social Work : A Task-Centered Model for Field Instruction and Staff Development - E-book. Ebook Central
- Effective project management : traditional, agile, extreme - E-book. Ebook Central
- Effective Short-Term Counselling Within the Primary Care Setting: Psychodynamic and Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Approaches - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Eye microsurgery centre - Clinic.
- e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning - E-book. Ebook Central
- Electrodiagnosis in Diseases of Nerve and Muscle : Principles and Practice - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Electronic Journal of Biotechnology - Full texts of articles from 1998 are available.
- Electronic Journals Library - Interface in German and English. Periodicals search engine. Search by subject, title, keyword, publisher.
- Electronic Union Catalogue of Latvian libraries - The electronic Union Catalogue of State Libraries is made up of 11 libraries: the Library of the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, the National Library of Latvia, the Library of the University of Latvia, the Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University, the Fundamental Library of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU), the Library of the Rīga Stradiņš University, the Library of the Latvian Academy of Culture, the Library of the Latvian Maritime Academy, the Library of the Latvian National Museum of Art, the Library of the Riga Graduate School of Law, and the Library of the "RISEBA" University of Business, Arts and Technology.
- Elite medicīnas centrs - Clinic.
- Elizabete - Dentistry.
- Elpis - Pharmaceutical wholesaler.
- Elsevier open access journals - E-journal database.
- Elvim - Pharmaceutical wholesaler.
- Embryology - E-book. Ebook Central
- Embryology at a Glance - E-book. Ebook Central
- Emergencies in Psychiatry - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Emergency Medicine Secrets - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Emergency Medicine: Clinical Essentials - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal - E-journal.
- Emery and Rimoin's Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics and Genomics - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Emotional Intelligence 2.0 - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Encyclopedia Britannica Academic Edition - Encyclopedia Britannica Online database is an analog of the full printed edition in which it is possible to search in all entries simultaneous, browse alphabetically or by subject. This database provides information about important events, achievements, recognizable persons and world news.
- Encyclopedia Mythica - Dictionary.
- Encyclopedia of Communication Theory - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Encyclopedia of Earth - A reference resource about the earth, atmosphere, and environment.
- Encyclopedia of Health Communication - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Encyclopedia of Social Theory - E-book. EBSCOhost
- EndNote - EndNote is an online tool for reference management available for Web of Science subscribers. It is designed for aggregation and organising references, drafting of bibliographies of particular format.
- Endocrine Surgery: A Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Endoscopic Ultrasound - Full texts of articles from 2012 are available.
- E-News - Information about the institution's activities.
- Engaging Imagination : Helping Students Become Creative and Reflective Thinkers - E-book. Ebook Central
- Engendering Transitions: Women's Mobilization, Institutions and Gender Outcomes - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Enhancing Learning through Formative Assessment and Feedback 2nd New edition - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Enigmas of Health and Disease : How Epidemiology Helps Unravel Scientific Mysteries - E-book. Ebook Central
- Enterprise Change Management : How to Prepare Your Organization for Continuous Change - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Enterprise Change Management: How to Prepare Your Organization for Continuous Change - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: A Contemporary Approach - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Environmental Health : From Global to Local - E-book. Ebook Central
- Environmental Health Perspectives - Monthly magazine about environmental impact and human health.
- Environmental Medicine - E-book. Ebook Central
- Epidemiological studies: A practical quide - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Epidemiology Beyond the Basics - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Epidemiology, Fifth Edition - E-book. ClinicalKey
- EpiNorth Journal - Contains reports on disease outbreaks, articles on infectious disease epidemiology, and statistics from government institutions in the Nordic countries, the Baltic states, and the northwestern regions of Russia.
- Epistemological Approaches to Digital Learning in Educational Contexts - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Equal in Law, Unequal in Fact : Racial and Ethnic Discrimination and the Legal Response Thereto in Europe - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Era Esthetic Dental - Dentistry.
- Erbrecht (2009) - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Erbrecht (2017) - E-book. Ebook Central
- ERIC - Over 1,300,000 units of educational information, including 317,000 full-text documents.
- Erotic Art Photography - E-book. Ebook Central
- ERS Handbook : Respiratory Sleep Medicine - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Ers Practical Handbook of Noninvasive Ventilation - E-book.
- Essential Business Process Modeling - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Essential echocardiography - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Essential Learning Theories: Applications to Authentic Teaching Situations - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Essential medical statistics - E-book. Ebook Central
- Essentials for Nursing Practice - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Essentials of Assessment Report Writing - E-book. Ebook Central
- Essentials of Audiology - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment - E-book. Ebook Central
- Essentials of Dental Caries: The Disease and its Management - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Essentials of Electrodiagnostic Medicine - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Estonian Medical Association - Association.
- Eteris, Eugene, Latvia in Europe and the World : Growth Strategy for a New Centennial - E-book.
- Ethical Issues in Forensic Mental Health Research - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Ethics and Security Aspects of Infectious Disease Control : Interdisciplinary Perspectives - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Ethics Challenges in Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology Practice - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Ethics for Adversaries - E-book. Ebook Central
- Ethics for Professional Counselors: Integrating Counseling and Psychology Standards - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Ethics in Practice : Lawyers' Roles, Responsibilities, and Regulation - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Ethics of the Legal Profession - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Ethnography of communication: an introduction - E-book. Ebook Central
- Etranslator.ro - Multilingual translator.
- Eurasia's Ascent in Energy and Geopolitics : China, Russia, and Central Asia - E-book. Ebook Central
- Euro aptieka - Pharmacy.
- Eurolegalism : The Transformation of Law and Regulation in the European Union - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Europe and the Governance of Global Finance - E-book. EBSCOhost
- EuropeActive. EuropeActive's Essentials for Personal Trainers - E-book. EBSCOhost
- European Association For Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) - Association.
- European Foundations of the Welfare State - E-book. Ebook Central
- European Health Report - Publication.
- European Intellectual Property Law - E-book. EBSCOhost
- European Journal of Biochemistry - E-journal.
- European Pharmacopoeia online - The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) is the primary source of official quality standards for medicines and their ingredients in Europe. Ph. Eur. standards provide a scientific basis for the quality control of a product throughout its life cycle, supporting the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare systems.
- European Union and New Regionalism. Regional Actors and Global Governance in a Post-Hegemonic Era - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750 - The database contains more than 32,000 entries and is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750.
- European Voice - E-journal.
- EUROPEANA - Library.
- Eurosurveillance - Journal of Infectious Disease Surveillance, Epidemiology, Prevention and Control.
- Evaluation and Social Work Practice - E-book. Ebook Central
- Everyday Stalinism : Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Evidence-based Dentistry for the Dental Hygienist - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Evidence-based Health Communication - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Evidence-Based Practice Across the Health Professions - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Evidence-Informed Learning Design: Creating Training to Improve Performance - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Exercise Physiology - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Experiential Marketing : Consumer Behavior, Customer Experience and The 7Es - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Explaining Creativity : The Science of Human Innovation - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Exploring the Future of Russia’s Economy and Markets - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Expression and Survival: An Aesthetic Approach to the Problem of Suicide - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- F
- F1000 Posters Open Access - Free access to informative posters from scientific conferences on research in biology and medicine.
- Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia - Educational and scientific institution.
- Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can't Transform Education - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Family Medical Practice On-line - E-journal.
- Family Medicine Journal - E-journal.
- Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review: Fast Facts and Practice Questions - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Family Practice Management: Tools for Today's Family Physician - E-journal.
- Family Practice - E-journal.
- Family psychology: the art of the science - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- FASEB Journal: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology - E-journal.
- Fashion and the Consumer Revolution in Contemporary Russia - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Feigenbaum's Echocardiography - E-book. Ebook Central
- Feigin and Cherry's Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Feminism : A Very Short Introduction - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Feminist Methodologies for International Relations - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Ferri's Best Test - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Ferri's Clinical Advisor - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Ferri's Differential Diagnosi - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Ferri's Differential Diagnosis - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Fight for Influence: Russia in Central Asia - E-book. Ebook Central
- Financial Times - E-journal.
- Financing New Ventures : An Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Angel Investment - E-book. Ebook Central
- FindArticles - Search for articles in journals of various fields, including medicine. Search is possible by keyword, by publication title, by topic. Full texts of articles are available.
- Fingerprint Development Techniques : theory and application - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Fitness Weight Training - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Fitzpatrick's color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Fitzpatrick's Dermatology - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Fixed Prosthodontics : Principles and Clinics - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Foam Roller Workbook : a step-by-step guide to stretching, strengthening and rehabilitative techniques - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology - Periodical.
- Focal Press Companion to the Constructed Image in Contemporary Photography - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy: Accessing the Body's Wisdom and Creative Intelligence - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Food and Veterinary Service - Agency.
- Forbes Latvija - Periodical.
- Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology in Europe : a Cross-Border Study Guide - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Forensic Psychology : theory, research, policy and practice - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Forensic Social Work : Psychosocial and Legal Issues Across Diverse Populations and Settings - E-book. Ebook Central
- Forensic Victimology : examining violent crime victims in investigative and legal contexts - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Foundations of Counseling People: A Guide for the Counseling, Psychological, and Helping Professions - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Foundations of Forensic Mental Health Assessment - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Foundations of Forensic Vocational Rehabilitation - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Foundations of Mental Health Counseling - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Four Theories of the Press: The Authoritarian, Libertarian, Social Responsibility, and Soviet Communist Concepts of What the Press Should Be and Do - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Free eBooks by Project Gutenberg - Project Gutenberg offers over 39,000 free e-books across a variety of subjects. You can download them or read them online.
- Free Ebooks Library - Free access e-books in various fields. Please read the license text before downloading the e-book.
- Free Medical Journals - Links to freely available medical journals in English, German, French, Russian, etc.
- Freebookcentre.net - Open access e-books in various fields. They can be downloaded or read online. The database does not provide access to the full texts of all books, but the resources available are quite extensive.
- FreeBooks4Doctors - Free access e-book database.
- Freedom of expression and the Internet - E-book. Ebook Central
- Function - E-journal.
- Functional and Selective Neck Dissection - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Functional Neuromarkers for Psychiatry - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Functional Neuromarkers for Psychiatry : Applications for Diagnosis and Treatment - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Functional Training - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Fundamentals of Amputation Care and Prosthetics - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Fundamentals of Biomechanics. Equilibrium, Motion, and Deformation - E-book. Ebook Central
- Fundamentals of Biomechanics: Equilibrium, Motion, and Deformation - E-book. Ebook Central
- Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Fundamentals of Neurology. An Illustrated Guide - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Fundamentals of Nursing - E-book. EBSCOhost
- G
- Gaga Feminism: Sex, Gender, and the End of Normal - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology (LANGE Basic Science) - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Gastroenterology Support Society - Society.
- Gastroenterology - E-journal.
- Geliodenta un Dental Estetika - Dentistry.
- Gender Communication Theories and Analyses: From Silence to Performance - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Gender Trouble - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Gender, Equality and Difference During and After State Socialism - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration - E-book. Ebook Central
- Gender, Politics and Society in Ukraine - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Gender, State and Society in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- GenEra personalised nutritional DNA test - For patients.
- GenEra - DNA testing laboratory.
- General and Oral Pathology for Dental Hygiene Practice - E-book. Ebook Central
- General Practice On-line - E-journal.
- Genes & Development - E-journal.
- Genetics - E-journal.
- Genome Research - E-journal.
- GEO - Periodical.
- Geopolitics. The Geography of International Relations - E-book. Ebook Central
- German Medical Association - Association.
- German Medical Science - E-journal.
- German National Library of Medicine - Library.
- Global and Regional Leadership of BRICS Countries - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Global E-Commerce strategies for Small Business - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Global Human Resource Management Casebook - E-book. Ebook Central
- Global Politics of Regionalism. Theory and Practice - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Glossary of Eye Terminology - Dictionary.
- Glossary of Genetic terms - Dictionary.
- Gold Open Access Journals from Lippincott - Open access medical journals.
- Goldberger's Clinical Electrocardiography - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Goldman-Cecil Medicine - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Gp (General Physician) Notebook - E-book.
- Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology: A Textbook of Medical Imaging - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Gray's Anatomy for Students - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Gray's Atlas of Anatomy - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Gray's Basic Anatomy - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Gray's Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Graphic Design - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Graphic Design, Referenced - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy - E-book. Ebook Central
- Great Games, Local Rules: the New Great Power Contest in Central Asia - E-book. EBSCOhost
- GreenFILE - Scientific, government, and other publications on global warming, ecological construction, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 1,000,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 15,000 records.
- Grindeks - Pharmaceutical manufacturer.
- Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Guidelines for Nursing Excellence in the Care of Children - E-book. Ebook Central
- Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- H
- Habif's Clinical Dermatology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Haimovici's Vascular Surgery - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Art Therapy - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Business Communication : Linguistic Approaches - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Handbook of Clinical Interviewing With Adults - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Handbook of Ethics in Quantitative Methodology - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Global Health Communication - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care and Patient Safety - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of ICU EEG Monitoring - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Handbook of Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Mental Health Assessment - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Handbook of journalism studies: ICA handbook series - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Kidney Transplantation - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Handbook of Military Social Work - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Oncology Social Work : Psychosocial Care for People with Cancer - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Organizational Creativity - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of personality disorders - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of personality disorders. Theory and practice - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Psychological Assessment - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Psychology, Developmental Psychology - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Psychology, Health Psychology - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology : Industrial and Organizational Psychology - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology : Personality and Social Psychology - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology : Research Methods in Psychology - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Psychophysiology - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology - E-book. Ebook Central
- Handbook of Research on Media Literacy in the Digital Age - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Handbook of Self-Regulation : Research, Theory, and Applications - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Handbook of Semiotics - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Handbook of the Psychology of Aging - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Handbook of Vocational Rehabilitation and Disability Evaluation : application and implementation of the ICF - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Happy Ever After? : A Practical Guide to Relationship Counselling for Clinical Psychologists - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry (LANGE Basic Science) - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Harriet Lane Handbook of Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Harrison's principles of internal medicine - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Harvard Business Review - Periodical.
- Haschek and Rousseaux's Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology - E-book. EBSCOhost, ClinicalKey, Ebook Central
- HBR's 10 Must Reads on Leadership (Harvard Business Review's 10 must reads on leadership) - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Health & Consumer Voice - Monthly newspaper on food safety, healthcare and consumer policy.
- Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General, EU - Information about the institution. Publications, documents on food safety, public health, consumer safety, protection, rights.
- Health and Human Rights in a Changing World - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Health Behavior : theory, research, and practice - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Health Care Communication Using Personality Type : Patients Are Different! - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Health Communication - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Health Communication : Theory, Method, and Application - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Health Communication in Practice : a Case Study Approach - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Health Communication: From Theory to Practice - E-book. Ebook Central
- Health Gazette - E-journal.
- Health Inspectorate - Agency.
- Health Literacy in Nursing : Providing Person-Centered Care - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Health Policy and Planning - E-journal.
- Health Policy: A Critical Perspective - E-book. Ebook Central
- Health Psychology: A Textbook - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Health Services Research - E-journal.
- Health Source: Consumer Edition - A database of 80 full-text journals covering various medical fields such as nutrition, child care, women's health, sports medicine, and more.
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition - A database of 550 full-text medical journals covering nursing, health maintenance, and more.
- Healthcare Digital Transformation : How Consumerism, Technology and Pandemic Are Accelerating the Future - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Healthcare Informatics - E-journal.
- Hearing in Children - E-book. Ebook Central
- Heart of Russia : Trinity-Sergius, Monasticism, and Society After 1825 - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Heart - E-journal.
- Heath and Social Work : Practice, Policy, and Research - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- HeinOnline - The HeinOnline International Core package includes an entire digital library containing nearly 3,000 law and law-related journals published in more than 60 different countries, alongside thousands of Australian, Canadian, and European legal materials, essential foreign legal yearbooks, and a wealth of international government publications. Subject coverage includes: Constitutional Law, Laws of the Sea, Human Rights, Women's Studies, Criminal Law, International Trade, Education and much more.
- Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery: A Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice - E-book. ClinicalKey
- High Wire – Free Online Full-text Articles - Links to biomedical journals arranged in alphabetical order with an indication of freely available issues from previous years and trial periods.
- Hindawi Publishing Corporation - More than 45 journals in various fields, including medicine.
- HISTOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY: An Introduction to Pathology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- History and Contemporary Aspects of RSU (1958–2010) - Card catalogue.
- History of Latvian Medicine (1957–2005) - Card catalogue.
- History of Medicine : A Scandalously Short Introduction - E-book. EBSCOhost
- History of Russian Christianity (Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3) - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- History of Russian economic thought - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- History of Ukraine - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Hypertension - E-journal.
- HON Allergy Glossary Allergy - Dictionary.
- Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopaedics - Hospital.
- How Can We Make This Happen? : Successful Change Through Incentives and Trust - E-book. EBSCOhost
- How Can We Make This Happen?: Successful Change Through Incentives and Trust - E-book. EBSCOhost
- How to Become a Better Manager in Social Work and Social Care : Essential Skills for Managing Care - E-book. EBSCOhost
- How to get a PhD : a handbook for students and their supervisors - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- How to Write a Business Plan - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Human Anatomy: Color Atlas and Textbook - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Human embryology and developmental biology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Human Gross Anatomy : An Outline Text - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Human Gross Anatomy : An Outline Text, - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Human Molecular Genetics - E-journal.
- Human Reproduction - E-journal.
- Human Resource Management in Europe - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Hunting Cyber Criminals: A Hacker's Guide to Online Intelligence Gathering Tools and Techniques - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Hutchison's Clinical Methods: An Integrated Approach to Clinical Practice - E-book. ClinicalKey
- I
- I’mperfekt - Periodical.
- IASP Bookstore - Free access e-book database.
- Ieva - Periodical.
- Ievas Stāsti - Periodical.
- Ievas Veselība : žurnāls tavai labsajūtai un veselībai - Periodical.
- If You Build It Will They Come? : Three Steps to Test and Validate Any Market Opportunity - E-book. Ebook Central
- iFiT - Periodical.
- IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) - Federation/
- Illusions in Motion: Media Archaeology of the Moving Panorama and Related Spectacles - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Ilustrētā Pasaules Vēsture - Periodical.
- Ilustrētā Zinātne - Periodical.
- Image of Peter the Great in Russian History and Thought - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Imagery in the 21st Century - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Imaging for Otolaryngologists - E-book. Ebook Central
- IMC, The Next Generation : Five Steps for Delivering Value and Measuring Returns Using Marketing Communication - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Immunity - E-journal.
- Immunization Strategies and Practices - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Immunization Strategies and Practices, American Academy of Pediatrics - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Implanting Strategic Management - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child - E-book. EBSCOhost
- ImTranslator - Dictionary.
- Inbound Marketing and SEO: Insights from the Moz Blog - E-book. Ebook Central
- Indigenous Social Work Around the World : Towards Culturally Relevant Education and Practice - E-book. Ebook Central
- Industry 4.0 : Managing The Digital Transformation - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Infection and Immunity - E-journal.
- Infectious Diseases - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Information Quality - E-book. Ebook Central
- Infotopia : How Many Minds Produce Knowledge - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship - E-book. Ebook Central
- Innovation and Finance - E-book. Ebook Central
- Innovation Management : strategies, concepts and tools for growth and profit - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Inquisitio : pētnieciskās žurnālistikas žurnāls - Periodical.
- Inside Central Asia : a Political and Cultural History of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Iran - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Inside Real Innovation : How the Right Approach Can Move Ideas from R and D to Market - And Get the Economy Moving - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Institute of Stomatology - Dentistry.
- Institutional Framework of Russian Serfdom - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- INTECHopen - The database offers more than 900 e-books and e-journals in physics, engineering, natural sciences, and health sciences. They are available for printing and downloading.
- Integrated pharmacy case studies - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Integrating Expressive Arts and Play Therapy with Children and Adolescents - E-book. Ebook Central
- Integrating the Expressive Arts Into Counseling Practice - E-book. Ebook Central
- Intellectual Property - E-book. Ebook Central
- Intellectual Property Strategy - E-book. Ebook Central
- International Classification of Diseases (ICD) - Database.
- International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - Database.
- International Handbook of Creativity - E-book. EBSCOhost
- International Herald Tribune - E-journal.
- International humanitarian law: theory, practice, context - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- International Immunology - E-journal.
- International Journal of Advanced Research - E-journal database.
- International Journal of Anaesthesia - E-journal.
- International Journal of Epidemiology - E-journal.
- International Journal of Family Medical Practice and Primary Care - E-journal.
- International Journal of Public Health - Periodical.
- International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology - E-journal.
- International Journal of Surgery: Global Health - E-journal.
- International law - E-book. EBSCOhost
- International Marketing : Theory and Practice From Developing Countries - E-book. EBSCOhost
- International Network for Natural Sciences - Open access journals in natural sciences, biology, biomedicine and other fields.
- International Security Management : New Solutions to Complexity - E-book. EBSCOhost
- International Security Management and the United Nations - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Internet Archive - An online library that includes historical books and texts, audio materials, animated images in various fields, including medicine. Full texts are available for free.
- Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice - E-journal.
- Internet Journal of Anesthesiology - E-journal.
- Internet Journal of Rescue and Disaster Medicine - E-journal.
- Internet Scientific Publications - US online medical journal publisher. More than 60 medical journal texts in various specialties.
- InternetAptieka.lv - Pharmacy.
- Internurse - E-journal.
- Interpretation and Method : Empirical Research Methods and the Interpretive Turn - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Interpretation and Method : Empirical Research Methods and the Interpretive Turn - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Interviewing for Journalists - E-book. Ebook Central
- Introduction To Applying Social Work Theories And Methods - E-book. Ebook Central
- Introduction to Bayesian Statistics - E-book. Ebook Central
- Introduction to Crime Scene Photography - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Introduction to Documentary - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Introduction to Forensic Science & Criminalistics - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Introduction to health behavior theory - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Introduction to Health Economics - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Introduction to Health Promotion - E-book. Ebook Central
- Introduction to Health Research Methods - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Introduction to Human Molecular Genetics : Mechanisms of Inherited Diseases (2nd Edition) - E-book. Ebook Central
- Introduction to Psychoneuroimmunology - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods - E-book. Ebook Central
- Introduction to Statistical Computing: A Simulation‐based Approach - E-book. Ebook Central
- Introduction to Surgery for Students - E-book. EBSCOhost
- IR : nedēļas žurnāls - Periodical. Also available electronically for on-site work at the library.
- IR Nauda - Periodical.
- Irish Medical Journal - E-journal.
- Islam, Gender, and Social Change - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- It Takes an Ecosystem: Understanding the People, Places, and Possibilities of Learning and Development Across Settings - E-book. EBSCOhost
- IVF RIGA Stem Cell Banking - Clinic.
- J
- JAMA & Archives - Journals of the American Medical Association.
- Japan Medical Association (JMA) - Association.
- Jaunķemeri Rehabilitation Centre - Health center.
- Jaunķemeri - Resort rehabilitation center.
- Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Jekel's Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Jelgava City Hospital - Clinic.
- Jelgava polyclinic - Clinic.
- JIAATS JOURNAL - JIAATS Journals are the initiative of JIAATS Publication. JIAATS Journals are double-blind peer-reviewed open access journals available online. JIAATS Journals seeks to publish a balanced mix of high quality theoretical or empirical research articles, case studies, book reviews, tutorials, editorials as well as pedagogical and curricular issues surrounding different domains of research. All researchers can to submit their article at JIAATS Journals.
- Joint Structure and Function : a comprehensive analysis - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Journal of Analytical Toxicology - E-journal.
- Journal of Applied Physiology - E-journal.
- Journal of Bacteriology - E-journal.
- Journal of Biological Chemistry - E-journal.
- Journal of Cell Biology - E-journal.
- Journal of Clinical Investigation - E-journal.
- Journal of Clinical Microbiology - E-journal.
- Journal of Clinical Oncology - E-journal.
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience - E-journal.
- Journal of Epidemiology - E-journal.
- Journal of Experimental Medicine - E-journal.
- Journal of Family Practice - E-journal.
- Journal of general Physiology - E-journal.
- Journal of general Virology - E-journal.
- Journal of Health and Social Behavior - Periodical.
- Journal of Hepatology - E-journal.
- Journal of Hypertension - E-journal.
- Journal of Immunology - E-journal.
- Journal of Legal Anthropology - Periodical.
- Journal of Lipid Research - E-journal.
- Journal of Neurophysiology - E-journal.
- Journal of Pediatric Surgery - E-journal.
- Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics - E-journal.
- Journal of Physiological Sciences - E-journal.
- Journal of Physiology - E-journal.
- Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research - E-journal.
- Journal of Public Health Policy and Planning - E-journal.
- Journal of the American College of Cardiology - E-journal.
- Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery - E-journal.
- Journal of Virology - E-journal.
- Journal@rchive - E-journal database.
- Journalists, Sources, and Credibility: New Perspectives - E-book. Ebook Central
- Jumping the S-curve : how to beat the growth cycle, get on top, and stay there - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Junqueira’s Basic Histology - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Jurista Vārds - Periodical.
- Jūrmala Hospital - Hospital.
- K
- Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Kant and the historical turn: philosophy as critical interpretation - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Kaplan & Sadocks Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Karolinska Institutet Library - Library.
- Karolinska Institutet Library, List of Journals - E-journal database.
- Kas jauns - Periodical.
- Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology: Examination & Board Review - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Kelley and Firestein's Textbook of Rheumatology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Kidney Transplantation - Principles and Practice - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Kinship, Law and the Unexpected : Relatives Are Always a Surprise - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Kirklin/Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes - Encyclopedia.
- Klubs - Periodical.
- Knowledge Integration Dynamics : Developing Strategic Innovation Capability - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Ko Ārsti Tev Nestāsta - Periodical.
- Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Kurzemes Vārds - Periodical. Available only at the Liepāja branch.
- L
- L’Officiel Latvia - Periodical.
- Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Languages and Linguistics : Aphasia : Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment - E-book. Ebook Central
- Lanzkowsky's Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Larifan - Pharmaceutical wholesaler.
- Larsen's Human Embryology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Latvian Academy of Sport Education - Educational and scientific institution.
- Latvian American Eye Center - Clinic.
- Latvian Art therapy association - Association.
- Latvian Association of the Deaf - For patients.
- Latvian Centre for Plastic, Reconstructive and Microsurgery - Clinic.
- Latvian Certification Centre - Agency.
- Latvian Dental Association - Association.
- Latvian Dental Hygienists' Association - Dentistry.
- Latvian Dental Hygienists` Association - Association.
- Latvian Diabetes Association - Association.
- Latvian Maritime Medical Centre - Health center.
- Latvian Medical and Dental Association - Association.
- Latvian Medical Association - Association.
- Latvian Medical Student Association - Association.
- Latvian Psychiatric Association - Association.
- Latvian Samaritan Association - For patients.
- Latviešu valodas skaidrojošā vārdnīca - Dictionary.
- Latviešu–angļu frazeoloģiskā vārdnīca - Dictionary.
- Latviešu–Angļu, Angļu-Latviešu vārdnīca - Dictionary.
- Latviešu–krievu frazeoloģiskā vārdnīca - Dictionary.
- Latvijas aptieka - Pharmacy.
- Latvijas Avīze - Periodical.
- Latvijas Ārsts - Periodical.
- Latvijas Leģendas - Periodical.
- Latvijas Mājas Dakteris - Periodical.
- Latvijas Noklusētā Pagātne - Periodical.
- Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis. A daļa, Sociālās un humanitārās zinātnes - Periodical.
- Law and Social Change - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Le Monde Diplomatique - E-journal.
- Leading Apple with Steve Jobs : Management Lessons from a Controversial Genius - E-book. Ebook Central
- Lean Customer Development : Building Products Your Customers Will Buy - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Learn Small Business Startup in 7 Days - E-book. Ebook Central
- Learning SAS by Example: a programmer's guide - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Learning Strategies and Constructionism in Modern Education Settings - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Lecture Notes: Lecture Notes : Psychiatry - E-book. Ebook Central
- Legacy of Soviet Dissent : Dissidents, Democratisation and Radical Nationalism in Russia - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Legalizing Prostitution : From Illicit Vice to Lawful Business - E-book. Ebook Central
- Leģendas - Periodical.
- Lesbian Lives in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia: Post/Socialism and Gendered Sexualities - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Letonika - Dictionary.
- Letonika.lv - Letonika is digital information resourse containing encyclopaedic resources, translation and terminology dictionaries, as well as Internet resources.
- Lewis Carroll: Photography on the Move - E-book. Ebook Central
- Library of The Russian State Medical University (RSMU) - Library.
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) - Indexes and provides abstracts for about 700 periodicals, as well as books, research reviews, and reports in library science, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, information management, starting from the 1960s.
- Liebert Open Access - Mary Ann Liebert Publishing offers peer-reviewed, open access journals in medicine.
- Lietvedības terminu vārdnīca - Dictionary.
- Lifestyle Wellness Coaching - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Lighting Essentials: a subject-centric approach for digital photographers - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Likums un Taisnība - Periodical.
- Lilit - Periodical.
- Linear Models - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Linear Models with R. Faraway - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Lippincott Manual Series : Manual of Family Practice, 2nd Edition - E-book. Ebook Central
- Literacy and Augmentative and Alternative Communication - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Lithuanian Library of Medicine - Library.
- Lithuanian Medical Association - Association.
- Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Library - Library.
- Līgatne Vidzeme Regional Rehabilitation Centre - Vidzeme County Rehabilitation Center.
- LĪNA - Family Psychological Support Center.
- Local Anaesthesia in Dentistry - E-book. Ebook Central
- Localization Strategies for Global E-Business - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Lotos Pharma - Pharmaceutical manufacturer.
- Ludzas medicīnas centrs - Clinic.
- M
- Macleod's Clinical Examination, Thirteenth Edition - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Magnum Medical - Pharmaceutical wholesaler.
- Making and Breaking the Grid: A Graphic Design Layout Workshop - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Making Successful Decisions in Counselling and Psychotherapy : A Practical Guide - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Making Sustainability Work: Best Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate Social, Environmental, and Economic Impacts - E-book. Ebook Central
- Making Sustainability Work: Best Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate Social, Environmental, and Economic Impacts, - E-book. Ebook Central
- Making Sustainability Work: Best Pratices in Managing & Measuring Corporate Social, Environmental and Economic Impacts (Business) - E-book. Ebook Central
- Making the Sustainable University - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Mammām un Tētiem: žurnāls topošajiem vecākiem - Periodical.
- Management of Acute Obstetrics Emergencies - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Managerial Cognition and Strategic Management : Rethinking Internationalization Strategies - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Managerial Cognition and Strategic Management: Rethinking Internationalization Strategies - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Managing Change in Organizations : A Practice Guide - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Managing Knowledge Assets, Creativity and Innovation : Selected Works by Dorothy a Leonard - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Managing Knowledge Assets, Creativity and Innovation : Selected Works by Dorothy A. Leonard - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Managing Security Threats Along the EU’s Eastern - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Many Globalizations - E-book. Ebook Central
- Manly States : Masculinities, International Relations, and Gender Politics - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Mans Mazais - Periodical.
- Manual of Healthcare Leadership: Essential Strategies for Physician and Administrative Leaders - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Manual of Psychosocial Rehabilitation - E-book. Ebook Central
- Market Opportunity Analysis : Text and Cases - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Marketing management : a South African perspective - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Marriage and Family Therapy. A Practice – Orienter Approach - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Massage Therapy : principles and practice - E-book. EBSCOhost
- MasterFILE Premier - More than 1700 full-text articles from periodicals in all fields, especially in business, law, health, and other areas; also includes bibliographic information, as well as photographs, maps, and flags.
- Mastering Social Work Values and Ethics - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Mastering Spark with R :the complete guide to large-scale analysis and modeling - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Materia Medica : zinātniski praktisks un informatīvs farmācijas žurnāls - Periodical.
- Maternity Hospital - Clinic.
- Matrix Algebra From a Statistician’s Perspective - E-book. Ebook Central
- Matule and Melka private gynaecology clinic - Clinic.
- Mājas Viesis - Periodical.
- Mā-Re - Health center.
- McCracken's Removable Partial Prosthodontics - E-book. ClinicalKey
- McDonald and Avery's Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent - E-book. ClinicalKey
- McDonald and Avery's Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent - E-book. ClinicalKey
- MCI and Alzheimer’s Dementia: Clinical Essentials for Assessment and Treatment of Cognitive-communication Disorders - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- McWhinney's Textbook of Family Medicine - E-book. Ebook Central
- MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Measurement of Joint Motion : A Guide to Goniometry - E-book. EBSCOhost
- MedDRA - MedDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities) is the standardised medical terminology dictionary. MedDRA has medical terminology available in several languages, i.e. in Latvian and English. MedDRA is a collection of terms for medical conditions, investigations, medical procedures, social, family history, etc., but this dictionary does not include, for example, test numerical values for results and substance names.
- Medi Lexicon – Pharma-Lexicon International, UK - Dictionary.
- Media and the Government of Populations: Communication, Technology - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Media and the Government of Populations: Communication, Technology, Power - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Media Anthropology - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Media Ethics - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Media Ethics : Issues and Cases - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Media Messages and Public Health : a Decisions Approach to Content Analysis - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Media Ownership : The Economics and Politics of Convergence and Concentration in the UK and European Media - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Media Worlds: Anthropology on New Terrain - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- MediBalt - Pharmaceutical wholesaler.
- Medical center ARS - Clinic.
- Medical Complications in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - E-book. Ebook Central
- Medical Dictionary Spell Checker - Dictionary.
- Medical Dictionary - Dictionary.
- Medical Education Online - E-journal.
- Medical Epidemiology: Population Health and Effective Health Care, 5e. - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Medical Genetics - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Medical Journal of Australia - E-journal.
- Medical Microbiology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Medical Physiology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Medical Physiology: The Big Picture - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Medical speech-language pathology: a practitioner’s guide - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Medical Spell Checker - Dictionary.
- Medical Statistics at a Glance - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Medical Statistics: A Guide to SPSS, Data Analysis and Critical Appraisal - E-book. Ebook Central
- Medical Student JAMA - E-journal.
- Medical Terminology Course - Dictionary.
- Medical Terminology, Documentation, and Coding - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Medical University of Vienna - Library.
- Medicine and Health Sciences Commons - Open access articles in medicine, psychiatry, psychology, nursing, rehabilitation, pharmacology, dentistry, and other medically related fields.
- Medicine Information Centre - Agency.
- Medicine Net - Medical Information for Diseases, Treaments, Procedures, Drugs and more.
- Medicine On-Line – The International Medical Journal - E-journal.
- Medicine.lv - Portal.
- Medicus Bonus : vienkārši par ārsta pasaulē svarīgo - Periodical.
- Medilink - Medical supplies.
- MEDLINE Ultimate - The world's most extensive source of full-text journal information in medicine. MEDLINE Ultimate offers full-text articles from more than 2400 medical science journals.
- MEDLINE - A bibliographic database created by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, covering various medical fields. MESH (Medical Subject Headings) can be used for searching. Abstracts from approximately 4,800 journals.
- Medplaza.lv - Medical supplies.
- Medservis-M - Medical supplies.
- MedTerms com Medical Dictionary - Dictionary.
- Mental health ethics : the human context - E-book. Ebook Central
- Merck Manuals - The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, The Merck Manual of Geriatrics are available for free.
- MERLOT - Multimedia educational and research resources for online learning: freely available full-text books, journal articles, dissertations and other materials in English and Dutch.
- Merriam-Webster Law Dictionary - Dictionary.
- Merriam-Webster Online - Dictionary.
- Messages, signs and meanings - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Methodological Guidelines for Citing References and Compiling Bibliography - Methodological guidelines establish uniform requirements for referencing and compiling bibliography at Rīga Stradiņš University. Methodological guidelines are meant for students at all levels of study as well as employees for accurate referencing and compiling bibliography in any written paper (a summary, an essay, a report, a course paper, a qualification paper, Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral theses, a research paper, methodological material, a scientific article, etc.).
- Methods for Community Public Health Research : Integrated and Engaged Approaches - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes - E-book. Ebook Central
- Mēness aptieka - Pharmacy.
- MFD Outpatient hospital Pardaugava - Clinic.
- Micro MBA : Theory and Practice - E-book. Ebook Central
- Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews - E-journal.
- Microbiology - E-journal.
- Military Power : Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Military Psychology : Concepts, Trends and Interventions - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Miller's Anesthesia - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Minor Illness or Major Disease - E-book. EBSCOhost
- MJA The Medical Journal of Australia - E-journal.
- Modelling in Healthcare - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Modelling Survival Data in Medical Research - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Models of Democracy - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Modern Approach to Operations Management - E-book. Ebook Central
- Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Modernizing Muscovy : Reform and Social Change in Seventeenth-Century Russia - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Molecular and Cellular Biology - E-journal.
- Molecular Biology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Molecular Biology of the Cell - E-journal.
- Molecular Cell - E-journal.
- Molecular Human Reproduction - E-journal.
- Molecular Medicine: Genomics to Personalized Healthcare - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Molecular Pharmacology - E-journal.
- Money Laundering : A Concise Guide for All Business - E-book. Ebook Central
- Morgan and Mikhail's Clinical Anesthesiology - E-book. AccessMedicine
- Mosby's Fundamentals of Therapeutic Massage - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Motherland : Russia in the Twentieth Century - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Motivating People to Be Physically Active - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Motivational Interviewing for Clinical Practice - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Multicultural Social Work Practice : A Competency-Based Approach to Diversity and Social Justice - E-book. Ebook Central
- Multiculturalism - E-book. Ebook Central
- Multivariate Analysis for the Biobehavioral and Social Sciences : A Graphical Approach - E-book. Ebook Central
- Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Music, Sound and Multimedia: From the Live to the Virtual - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Mutagenesis - E-journal.
- MūsMājas - Periodical.
- N
- Nacionālais rehabilitācijas centrs "Vaivari" - Health center.
- Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Narkoloģijas centrs - Health center.
- Narrative medicine: Bridging the gap between evidence-based care and medical humanities - E-book. EBSCOhost
- National Health Service - Agency.
- Nature - “Nature” is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider public.
- Navigating an Academic Career: A Brief Guide for PhD Students, Postdocs, and New Faculty - E-book. EBSCOhost
- NDLTD - The Networked Digital Library of Theses And Dissertations is an international organization dedicated to the discovery, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic versions of theses. NTECHopen – the database offers more than 900 e-books and e-journals in physics, engineering, natural sciences, health sciences, social sciences, and humanities. They are available for printing and downloading.
- Neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības dienests - Health center.
- Negotiating Cultures and Identities : Life History Issues, Methods, and Readings - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Negotiating Cultures and Identities: Life History Issues, Methods, and Readings - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Nelson Pediatric Symptom-Based Diagnosis - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Respiratory System - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Netter's Atlas of Human Embryology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Netter's Essential Histology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Netter's Essential Physiology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Netter's Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Netter's Illustrated Pharmacology Updated Edition : With Student Consult Access - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Netter's Neurology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Network Neuroscience - E-journal.
- Neuroanatomy - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Neuroanatomy: Draw It to Know It - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Neurobiology of Language - E-journal.
- Neurobiology of Mental Illness - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Neuro-Developmental Treatment: A Guide to NDT Clinical Practice - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Neurological Disorders: Public Health Challenges - E-book. Ebook Central
- Neuron - E-journal.
- Neurorehabilitation Technology - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Neuroscience for Psychologists and Other Mental Health Professionals: Promoting Well-Being and Treating Mental Illness - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Neurosonology and Neuroimaging of Stroke : A Comprehensive Reference - E-book. EBSCOhost
- New Central Asia, The: The Regional Impact Of International Actors - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- New England Journal of Medicine On-line - E-journal.
- New York Academy of Medicine Library - Library.
- New York Times - E-journal.
- New Patterns of Power and Profit : A Strategist's Guide to Competitive Advantage in the Age of Digital Transformation - E-book. EBSCOhost
- New Policy Challenges For European Multinationals - E-book. EBSCOhost
- New Scientist - E-journal.
- Newman and Carranza's Clinical Periodontology - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Newspaper Source - Full-text articles from approximately 45 U.S. national and international newspapers, as well as around 389 U.S. regional newspapers.
- Nezināmā Kara Vēsture - Periodical.
- Nezināmā Vēsture - Periodical.
- Night and Low-Light Photography Photo Workshop - E-book. EBSCOhost
- NMS Elpa - Medical supplies.
- No Vecmāmiņas Pūra Lādes : tautas gudrības visu slimību ārstēšanai - Periodical.
- Nordic Journal of Music Therapy (1998-2008) - E-journal.
- North American Society of Homeopaths - Association.
- North Carolina Medical Journal - E-journal.
- Northway - Private reproductive health and infertility clinic.
- Nursing Care Plans : Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Nursing Care Plans : Guidelines for Individualizing Client Care Across the Life Span - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Nursing Research and Statistics - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Nursing Standard Online - E-journal.
- O
- OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) - Full-text scientific book database in various fields: business and management, humanities and social sciences, law, economics, finance, mathematics, art, etc. (in English, Danish, French, Italian, Norwegian, German, etc.).
- Occupational Musculoskeletal Disorders - E-book. Ebook Central
- OK! - Periodical.
- OlainFarm - Pharmaceutical manufacturer.
- Omītes Eliksīrs - Periodical.
- Omītes Zālītes : tautas dziedniecības noslēpumi - Periodical.
- On Dissidents and Madness : From the Soviet Union of Leonid Brezhnev to the "Soviet Union" of Vladimir Putin - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- On Law and Reason - E-book. EBSCOhost
- On Photography - E-book. Ebook Central
- On the Game : Women and Sex Work - E-book. Ebook Central
- One Look Dictionary Search - Dictionary.
- OneLook Dictionaries - Dictionary.
- Online Books Page - The database contains open access e-books from various fields.
- Online College Classes - Free access e-book database.
- Online Musculoskeletal Radiology Book - E-book.
- Open Access at Routledge and Taylor & Francis - The database contains open-access e-journals from various scientific fields (including medicine).
- Open Access - E-books offered by German scientific libraries in various scientific fields.
- Open AIRE - A unified network of European scientific repositories that provides a single search option. Covers 5.6 million documents, including scientific articles and dissertations from more than 30 countries.
- Open Innovation : Researching a New Paradigm - E-book. ESBCOhost, Ebook Central
- Open J-Gate - A search engine for journal articles in various fields, including medicine. Quick search by keyword, advanced search, and search by journal title are available. A link to the freely available text is added to the article description.
- Open Medicine - E-journal database.
- Open Physics - E-journal database.
- Open Source Intelligence Investigation : From Strategy to Implementation - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Open Source Intelligence Methods and Tools : A Practical Guide to Online Intelligence - E-book. EBSCOhost
- OpenDissertations - An open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses. Created with the generous support of the H.W. Wilson Foundation and the Congregational Library & Archives in Boston, it incorporates EBSCO’s previously released American Doctoral Dissertations, and features additional dissertation metadata contributed by select colleges and universities from around the world. Providing researchers with citations to graduate research across a span of time, from the early 20th century to the present, this database will continue to grow through regular updates and new partnerships with graduate degree-granting institutions.
- OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories) - The database collects detailed information about Open Access repositories. It provides search capabilities both within each repository separately and across all repositories simultaneously from over 80 countries.
- OpenMD.com Medical Terminology Dictionary - Dictionary.
- Optimal Investment and Marketing Strategies - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Orality and Literacy: Reflections across Disciplines - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Organizational culture and leadership - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Origins of Human Innovation and Creativity - E-book. Ebook Central
- Orthodox Paradoxes : Heterogeneities and Complexities in Contemporary Russian Orthodoxy - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Orthopedic Physical Assessment - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation - E-book. ClinicalKey
- Otolaryngology : Basic Science and Clinical Review - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Otolaryngology : Head and Neck Surgery : Clinical Reference Guide - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Outline of a Theory of Practice - E-book. EBSCOhost
- OVID - RSU offers 63 journal archives with full-text articles up to the year 2008. To view the list of available journals, please access the database and click on the 'Journals' section
- Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy - E-book. Ebook Central
- Oxford American Handbook of Otolaryngology - E-book. Ebook Central
- Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology - E-book. EBSCOhost, Ebook Central
- Oxford Handbook of Forensic Medicine - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Oxford Handbook of Midwifery - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Oxford Handbook of Neuroscience Nursing - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry - E-book. EBSCOhost
- Oxford Handbook of Urology - E-book. EBSCOhost,