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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Artūrs Paparde
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Life Science; Medicine; Biology
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Normal Physiology


Promote the acquisition of knowledge of the human body function adaptations, the impact of physical activity on the body, and simple methods for their evaluation.


Human Anatomy, Medical Philosophy and Bioethics, Medical Physics and Statistics.

Learning outcomes


1) Students will be able to recognise and describe the non-specific adaptive reactions of the body.
2) Will be able to explain the effects of physical activity on the body.
3) Will be able to give an overview of a stressor caused changes of the physiological parameters.
4) Will be able to name and describe phases of a research in physiology.


1) Will be able to choose scientific literature in the field of physiology related to the aim of the study and hypothesis.
2) Will be able to predict and verify the validity of the aim and hypothesis based on the results of the research.
3) Will be able to organise the process of the research and predict obtainable results.
4) Will be able to use appropriate methods for planning the research work.
5) Will be able to work with methods to record physiological parameters.
6) Will be able to calculate the central tendency parameters and explain their significance.


1) Students will be able to formulate non-specific adaptive reactions of the body.
2) Will be able to formulate the scientific problem, aim and hypotheses in the field of physiology.
3) Will be able to experiment in the field of physiology.
4) Will be able to analyse the association of physiological parameters with adaptation mechanisms.
5) Will be able to evaluate and interpret the obtained results and compare with the results of similar studies.
6) Will be able to evaluate the quality of the conducted research.
7) Will be able to discuss the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the study within the scope of their competence.

Study course planning

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