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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Irēna Upeniece
Course level:First level
Target audience:Public Health; Sports Trainer
Branch of science:Communication Sciences; Psychology and Ethics of Communication


To acquaint students with the culture of behavior in business communication and topicality of business attributes nowadays, to look at the rules of conduct adopted in business relations in Europe, which currently appear in Latvian society, as well as the norms of behavior that are most often mistaken in practice.


Psychology, philosophy, the notion of universal human values.

Learning outcomes


• Describe, present business etiquette of different countries, its developments and trends, the essence of business etiquette;
• List clothing styles and name criteria for choosing business clothing;
• Express the culture of clothing and its role in creating a professional image;
• Describe business communication types and actions in the business environment: job interview, greeting, first impression, business communication, types of business meetings and parties.


Business etiquette attribute assessment skills and skills in writing a CV, letter of motivation and invitation; creating a business card;
choosing business clothes, footwear and accessories, skill to tie a tie (in a waistcoat and a half-waistcoat);
selecting and advising on formal gifts and flowers; application of etiquette and rules of mutual decency;
explaining guidelines for netiquette or network etiquette.


Personal portfolio creation; behavioral culture in business communication abroad (ability to distinguish by widening knowledge); selection of business clothes.

Study course planning

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