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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Edvīns Miklaševičs
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medicine
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Medical Genetics


To acquire basic knowledge in medical genetics and skills in analyzing risks of heritable diseases.


Molecular biology, human anatomy and physiology, physics, biochemistry.

Learning outcomes


Students will be able to recognise and characterise main types of human heritable pathologies, their inheritance; explain laws of inheritance of human traits; characterise heritable and sporadic mutations and clarify their role in human pathologies; explain interaction between genetic and environmental factors and its importance in developing multifactorial traits.


Students will be able to analyse and calculate risk of heritable diseases, recognise most common heritable pathologies.


Combined theoretical knowledge and aquired skill will provide students knowledge about disease etiology.

Study course planning

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