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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Zanda Daneberga
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Biology; Medicine
Branch of science:Biology; Molecular Biology


To provide students with the knowledge of molecular processes in the cell, as well as understanding of the role of human genome variation in aetiology of human pathology. To develop students’ skills in learning molecular biology laboratory methods, to help to understand the use of the acquired theoretical knowledge in medicine.


Basic knowledge of biology and chemistry (in accordance with the standard for secondary education adopted by National Centre for Education).

Learning outcomes


Upon completion of the study course, students will be able to explain the central dogma of molecular biology and its role in providing functions of eukaryotes and prokaryote cells. They will be familiar with the operational principles of the information realisation system, its regulation and functional role in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Able to describe the main molecular mechanisms for ensuring normal cell functions as well as to justify the consequences of cellular disorders.


On completion of the study course, students will be able to use a light microscope, to plan and carry out experiments to monitor cell functions. Students will have acquired skills in molecular biology techniques – nucleic acid isolation and polymerase chain reaction, and they will be able to interpret the results obtained. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, students will be able to collect the most relevant information and correctly apply the concepts of molecular biology.


Students will be able to combine theoretical knowledge and skills and integrate them into learning of other preclinical and clinical courses. Students will be able to attribute cellular disorders to the pathology of the body as a whole. They will understand the role of structural and functional disorders of the genome in the aetiology of diseases.

Study course planning

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