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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:1 / 1.5
Course supervisor:Dita Role
Study type:Full time
Course level:First level
Target audience:Medical Services
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine


To provide the basic knowledge of medical ethics necessary for a masseur in their daily professional practice.
To develop the ability to orient oneself in the current social problems related to people’s mental and physical health.


In philosophy, ethics.

Learning outcomes


To know and be able to justify the basic principles of massage ethics: trust and respect, responsibility and fairness, integrity etc., moral duties and rights, criteria of professional competence, professional values, basic moral obligations of a professional, types of moral sanctions in professional ethics, specifics of moral judgement, components of responsibility, characterisation of a moral choice situation, etc.
To define the key concepts: normative ethics, professional ethics, communication ethics, situational ethics, management ethics, integrity, moral relativism, corporate culture, corporate integrity, moral dilemma, mobbing, bossing, etc. To describe the types of power in organisations and conflicts, components of conflict situations, most effective methods of conflict resolution from a modern ethical perspective, preferred managerial behaviour in conflict situations.


To be able to identify and interpret manifestations of ethical attitude depending on the moral subject, the maxim of collegiality, basic elements of moral regulation. To differentiate between moral and legal regulations. To understand the specifics of moral rights. To know how to prevent and, if necessary, resolve a conflict situation based on the basic principles of ethics and morality.


To use morally correct argumentation to substantiate one’s position or point of view, analyse situations of moral dilemma, evaluate and find a morally adequate solution to cases from practice, using the learned basic principles of ethics, and solve conflict situations effectively and in accordance with the requirements of professional ethics. Ability to take responsibility for the results of one’s professional activity.

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