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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Žanna Martinsone
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Public Health
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Public Health


The objective of the study course is to acquire practical knowledge in the field of occupational health.


Prior knowledge in chemistry, biochemistry, physics, microbiology and physiology, environmental health is required.

Learning outcomes


During the course, the student gains practical knowledge of the following:
• the meaning, principles, directions, tasks of occupational health and will be able to apply them in practice;
• the risk factors of the work environment in companies of different sectors (metalworking, construction, etc. in Latvia) and will be able to identify them;
• the basic principles of measuring risk factors in the work environment and will be able to apply them in practice;
• the procedures for carrying out mandatory health examinations and will be familiar with the practical application thereof in company operations.


During the course, the student acquires the following skills:
• to independently, critically analyse, apply the acquired knowledge on occupational health;
• to professionally apply reasoning to justify one’s opinion and evaluate occupational health as a preventive branch of the medical field in preserving and strengthening human health;
• to identify and assess work environment risk factors in different Latvian companies and work environments;
• to analyse different companies to identify risk factors that are harmful to health.


The acquired competence allows to:
• see the connection between the state of human health and the conditions of the work environment;
• apply knowledge of the basics of argumentation, logic and rhetoric to analyse practical situations;
• develop recommendations, measures to prevent or reduce harmful risk factors of the work environment, ensuring optimal interaction between the human body and the work environment;
• take responsibility and demonstrate leadership skills in cases where the interests of occupational safety, individuals or the society as a whole require it.

Study course planning

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