Cardiology Academic Society
Welcome to the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Cardiology Academic Society (CAS) website!
We are a group of students interested in the field of cardiology who seek to: supplement our theoretical knowledge beyond what is offered during classes; develop our practical skills; learn about current and innovative guidelines in diagnostics and treatment; take part in discussions with specialists in the field.
Benefits you gain from our society:
- interactive theoretical meetings and clinical skill meetings based on your suggestions;
- contacts, and support from our mentors with your scientific work;
- special preparation for cardiology and state exams;
- basic cardiology meetings for pre-clinics students who have not yet taken the subject;
- the Cardiology Newsletter, which is issued monthly, that outlines new developments in the field;
- access to a Drop Box folder where we upload resources that would be helpful for exam preparation as well as in your future practice.
Meeting Format:
- theoretical lectures given by RSU professors or a guest lecturer;
- presentations by active members that is supplemented by experienced cardiologists and mentors;
- interactive meetings like quiz nights, or ECG workshops;
- practical onsite workshops involving auscultation workshops, echocardiography sessions, clinical simulations and more!
Board and mentor
For the 2020/2021 academic year, our board representatives are Beatriz Manha and Hoshika Sivapalan, two 8th Semester students who have a great passion for Cardiology and are looking forward in sharing it with you.
Together with the active members, their goal is to give you all the information you need in a fun way.
We have the pleasure to have as our permanent mentor Dr. Jūlija Voicehovska who is present at all meetings and makes sure that the quality of information being presented is nothing but the best!

Contact us
We regularly post up-to-date information about our meetings, cardiology-related conferences and practice ECGs or clinical cases to our social media.
Facebook: RSU CAS
Instagram: @cas_rsu
Email: casrsugmail[pnkts]com
If you require any help at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out!