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Designing Effectivness-based and Structured Rehabiliation Services

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:2.00
Study Course Accepted:30.08.2023 09:03:09
Study Course Information
Course Code:REK_253LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:6.00ECTS:9.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Health CareTarget Audience:Rehabilitation
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Daina Šmite
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Rehabilitation
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 26a Anninmuizas boulevard, rkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 20271291
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)18Class Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Classes72
Total Contact Hours72
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Knowledge in clinical medicine and medical rehabilitation, understanding of the concept of rehabilitation and types of rehabilitation services, understanding of evidence-based practice, knowledge and understanding of current health care, including medical rehabilitation, organizations in LV, formation of service costs, knowledge of health care and social legislation regulating services, knowledge and skills about measurements in medical rehabilitation, knowledge in health care quality management and improvement.
Improve knowledge and develop skills to create structured rehabilitation service delivery models that support the needs of target groups and effectively solve initially identified problems based on research results and local context analysis, as well as develop skills to plan the implementation and management of newly created or improved rehabilitation service models.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Research and understanding: problem identification and analysis, stakeholder identification and needs research, local context research, data linking and concept formulation.Classes6.00E-Studies platform
2Creating the structure (design) of the service model: target group, resources, activities, results, performance indicators; the use of brainstorming and feedback; stakeholder participation.Classes6.00E-Studies platform
3Service model management and implementation planningClasses6.00E-Studies platform
Unaided Work:
Data collection, compilation and analysis of scientific evidence. Analysis of theoretical concepts. Analysis of static report data. Analysis of publicly available Internet resources. Detailed familiarization with learning materials in the e-studio, creating reflection. Completion of tasks to prepare for classes, according to the tasks specified in e-studies. Development of project work in small groups, performing sequential execution of specified tasks within the specified deadlines. Preparation and submission of the final project report. In order to evaluate the quality of the study course as a whole, the student must fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire on the Student Portal.
Assessment Criteria:
Participation in discussions (formulating and explaining a reasoned opinion, creative approach to solving problems, asking questions that promote understanding and thinking, communicating your ideas, exchanging ideas, providing feedback). The final grade is made up of the cumulative grade, which includes: the grade of each topic (25%+25%+25%) and the grade of the final reports (25%). Each topic evaluation is formed from the evaluation of the performance of the tasks of the lessons and the performance of the work tasks of the project. A description of the specific tasks and evaluation criteria is available in the studios.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Describes different models of health care (rehabilitation) services and the principles of their formation. Describes the concepts of integration of healthcare (rehabilitation) services. Describes and explains theoretical concepts in the context of rehabilitation service models (problem identification and analysis framework, stakeholder and needs analysis framework, patient-centered practice, principles of identifying existing evidence). Identify the principles of data collection and synthesis to support service design. Describes innovative service design concepts and principles. Describes the principle of partnership. Describes the framework, elements, activities of the service model implementation. Describes the principles of effective management of rehabilitation service models.
Skills:Identifies and analyzes problems that will be solved by an improved or new model of structured rehabilitation services. Identifies and describes the persons/organizations involved. Obtains and maintains data on the needs of the parties involved. Obtains and collects data about the current situation/context. Synthesizes all the obtained data and uses them to formulate the purpose of the service model and understand the concept. Uses the theoretical framework (inputs/activities/outputs/impact) to model structured services. Obtains and uses feedback throughout the planning and development process. Plans and uses the partnership of the parties involved in the creation of services. Plans effective management of the established service model. Plans the implementation activities of the created service. Plans to attract cooperation partners. An application is being prepared for the trial (piloting) of the created service model.
Competencies:Plans and develops structured rehabilitation service delivery models that meet the needs of target groups and effectively address initially identified problems using scientific evidence and local context analysis. Plans the implementation and effective management of the established innovative or improved/adapted models of rehabilitation services.
Required Reading
1Mācību materiāli e-studijās pie katras no tēmām
2Kettner, P. M., Moroney, R. M., & Martin, L. L. (2013). Designing and managing programs: An effectiveness-based approach (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Additional Reading
1Zelman, William N., et al. (2009). Financial Management of Health Care Organizations: An Introduction to Fundamental Tools, Concepts and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. Iegūts no: via Pro Quest Ebook Central
2Keessen, P., van Duijvenbode, I. C., Latour, C. H., (2022). Design of a Remote Coaching Program to Bridge the Gap From Hospital Discharge to Cardiac Rehabilitation: Intervention Mapping Study. JMIR cardio, 6(1), e34974.
3Wang, R. H., Kenyon, L. K., McGilton, (2021). The Time Is Now: A FASTER Approach to Generate Research Evidence for Technology-Based Interventions in the Field of Disability and Rehabilitation. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 102(9), 1848–1859.
4Sheldrick, H., Houghton, L., Fleming, C., & Crane, J. (2022). An integrated care systems model approach for speech and language therapy head and neck cancer services in England: service development and re-design in Cheshire and Merseyside. Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery, 30(3), 177–181.
5Novak I, te Velde A, Hines A, (2021). Rehabilitation Evidence-Based Decision-Making: The READ Model. Front. Rehabilit. Sci. 2:726410. Available from: doi: 10.3389/fresc.2021.726410
6Markham, C., Ruiter, R., Fern ndez, M., (2016). Planning health promotion programs: an intervention mapping approach (4th ed., Jossey-Bass Public Health). Hoboken: Wiley. Iegūts no: via ProQuest Ebook Central
7Walker, T., Foster, M., Szeszulski, J., (2022). Evidence-Based Intervention Mapping: A systematic approach to understanding the components and logic of EBIs. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1300.
8Hartveit, M., Hovlid, E., Øvretveit, J., (2022). Can systematic implementation support improve programme fidelity by improving care providers' perceptions of implementation factors? A cluster randomized trial. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 808.
9Dobe, J., Gustafsson, L., & Walder, K. (2023). Co-creation and stroke rehabilitation: a scoping review. Disability and rehabilitation, 45(3), 562–574.
10Singer, I., Klatte, I. S., de Vries, R., van der Lugt, R., & Gerrits, E. (2022). Using co-design to develop a tool for shared goal-setting with parents in speech and language therapy. International journal of language & communication disorders, 57(6), 1281–1303
11Heaton-Shrestha, C., Torrens-Burton, A., Leggat, F., Islam, I., Busse, M., & Jones, F. (2022). Co-designing personalised self-management support for people living with long Covid: The LISTEN protocol. PloS one, 17(10), e0274469.
Other Information Sources
1PVO aktuālie ziņojumi, publikācijas/ WHO current reports, publications
2LV normatīvie akti (likumi, MK noteikumi)
3Statistikas pārskatu ziņojumi
4Nevalstisko organizāciju (pacientu biedrību) resursi un publikācijas