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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Kristaps Zaļais
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Business Management
Branch of science:Management; Business Management


To provide a comprehensive insight into theories of innovation and creativity, as well as to develop students’ creative problem-solving skills. The course emphasises practical classes and games that develop the search for original approaches and lead to always looking for several alternatives.


Microeconomics, macroeconomics.

Learning outcomes


Upon successful completion of the course, students gain knowledge about innovation theories and historical development thereof, as well as about innovation research tools and opportunities. Knowledge is gained about the factors promoting innovation, the most important methods and tools for the development of creativity.


Within the course, students are able to orientate in different innovation indicators, understand the processes of introduction of new products in companies, as well as are able to create and critically evaluate several original alternatives to business-related problems.


The study course helps to develop creative thinking and problem-solving competences, as well as develops the habit of independent thinking.