Interlibrary Loan
Inter-Library Loan and International Inter-Library Loan provide an opportunity for library users to order information sources that are not available in the RSU Library collection from other Latvian and foreign libraries and document delivery centers. Service costs according to the Library price list.
Inter-Library Loan and International Inter-Library Loan services for:
- for individual users - RSU students, academic and general staff and health care specialists, presenting a student card or the Unified Reader's Card;
- libraries (libraries of health care institutions, etc.);
- companies, institutions (after concluding an agreement with RSU).
How to make an order?
- By filling out the form electronically (please use Google Chrome)
- By sending a request to e-mail sba
- RSU Library Information Center reading room at the bibliographer or Inter-Library Loan office (Room 205, Block G, 16 Dzirciema Street) by filling in the Inter-Library order form.
Information sources that libraries (libraries of health care institutions, etc.) can use in the RSU Library collection through the Inter-Library Loan:
Books from Open Access Loan, Information Centre for Health Care Professionals and WHO Depository Library in Latvia. The books are available for two weeks. Postage is covered by the customer's library.
Articles from periodicals of the RSU Library collection are delivered in the form of copies or sent electronically to the library e-mail.
Inter-Library Loan contact information
Phone: +37167409193
E-mail : SBArsu[pnkts]lv (sba[at]rsu[dot]lv)