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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4.67 / 7
Course supervisor:Laura Jesaulkova
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Political Science
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Politics


To provide critical knowledge on the interrelation of Central Asia’s internal characteristics, regional agenda and inter-sectoral cooperation with actors outside the region, in particular the combined approach of Russia, China, the EU and the US, which will help to better understand how these factors combine to contribute to international (dis)order, in particular in Eurasia. 


General knowledge of geopolitics and geostrategy; international relations and security architecture; the role of the United States, Russia and China in world politics.

Learning outcomes


Using the in-depth knowledge of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan acquired in the study course – both the internal and external political processes of these countries and the involvement of external powers in the region, in particular the role of Russia and the People’s Republic of China – students will describe the impact of specific actors on the internal and external dynamics of these countries.
The students will also analyse current domestic political developments in the context of Latvia’s cooperation with Central Asian countries, taking into account Latvia’s activity in this direction in the 2000s.


Working with different types of information sources, students will select appropriate sources, distinguishing between secondary and primary ones, subjective and objective material, critically assessing the reliability of the information, taking into account the influence of the political system of the countries covered in the course on official information.
Working individually, students will develop not only their analytical skills, but also their time management and work prioritisation skills.
Working under the guidance of international lecturers, students will develop their skills in working in an international team and in an intercultural environment.
Through individual and group work, students will identify in oral and written form, compare and evaluate alternative arguments and points of view, formulate, explain and justify their opinion on a domestic or foreign policy issue in Central Asia.


Students will write a report based on interdisciplinary scientific literature, analysing domestic and foreign policy issues in Central Asia.
Students will evaluate the interdisciplinary nature of complex problems and combine research results and methods from different fields to analyse complex problems.
After completing the study course, students will understand the impact of the interaction of different events on the current situation in the region, where cooperation has given way to rivalry and conflict.
Through this study course, students who choose this option will be able to prepare in depth for an Erasmus+ exchange at the Kyrgyz National University in Bishkek, which will require additional competences to be acquired in the course.

Study course planning

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