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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Elīna Vrobļevska
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Political Science
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Political Science


To provide knowledge of the key elements, strategies and ideas used by Russia within international organisations in Eurasia and beyond; to enhance students’ analytical skills in relation to the analysis of the role of leading states within international organisations.


General knowledge of theories and methods of international relations, as well as basic knowledge of Russia, international organisations and their activities, and global governance.

Learning outcomes


Using the in-depth knowledge gained in the study course of Russia-centred international organisations, in particular the EEU, CSTO, CIS, students will describe and compare the role of these organisations in pursuing the country’s foreign and domestic policy interests.
Students will contrast the current processes in these international organisations with theoretical insights on regional integration concepts and theories, including functionalism, neofunctionalism, transactionalism and also federalism.


Working in groups, students will select, read and critically evaluate academic literature on the institutional architecture of Russia’s approach to the international environment and its characteristic factors.
Through individual and group work, students will identify in oral and written form, compare and evaluate alternative arguments and points of view, formulate, explain and justify their opinion on the development perspectives and challenges of external institutional architectures not only in Russia, but also in other countries.


Students will write a report based on interdisciplinary scientific literature, analysing issues related to the course content.
Students will evaluate the interdisciplinary nature of complex problems and combine research results and methods from different fields to analyse complex problems.
Students will evaluate and explain in a reasoned manner the influence of different factors in Russia-centred organisations and cooperation formats. Based on them, students will provide recommendations and new ideas for further development scenarios not only for the institutional architecture of Russia, but also for similarly designed architectures in professional, academic and business environments in other countries.

Study course planning

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