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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Māris Andžāns
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Political Science
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Politics


To provide knowledge about Ukraine, its history, economy, as well as geopolitical impact on these aspects. The aim of the course is to reflect the interaction between international, regional and local politics, using Ukraine and its complex statehood as an example/tool.


Knowledge of theories and methods of international relations, as well as general knowledge of Ukraine and its surrounding region.

Learning outcomes


Students will understand and report the impact of Ukrainian historical development phases on contemporary Ukrainian politics and its development, as well as describe the Ukraine’s approach to promoting cooperation in the regional and international context. Students will also demonstrate knowledge of Russia/ES/US interactions in the context of the Black Sea and Eastern European regions.
As the Ukraine’s present and the context of Ukraine and Russia have a decisive influence on the security situation of the Baltic States and its assessment within the framework of the risks posed by Russia, an in-depth understanding of Ukrainian domestic and foreign political vectors will increase students’ knowledge of potentially expected actions of Russia in other regions.


Students will be able to study large amount of materials independently, critically select and draw objective conclusions based on them, and present them and answer questions in a reasoned manner.
Students will analyse and predict the impact of personalities on the development of the Ukrainian foreign political course and being among various geopolitical and regional projects.


Students will assess and explain in a reasoned manner the impact of various factors on the development of Ukraine – why the country is still in general among different geopolitical projects.
Students will form and provide new recommendations on future development scenarios of Ukraine in professional, academic and business environments. Such competences can also be transferred to other regions and other thematic issues requiring interdisciplinary and interregional competences and related skills and knowledge.

Study course planning

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