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Civil Defence and Environmental Protection

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:11.00
Study Course Accepted:04.09.2024 11:04:16
Study Course Information
Course Code:KPUMTK_012LQF level:All Levels
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Clinical MedicineTarget Audience:Sociology; Marketing and Advertising; Juridical Science; Pedagogy; Law; Public Health; Political Science; Business Management; Person and Property Defence; Communication Science; Psychology; Health Management; Information and Communication Science; Social Welfare and Social Work; Management Science; Social Anthropology
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Oļegs Sabeļņikovs
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Clinical Skills and Medical Technologies
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 26a Anninmuizas boulevard, kpumtkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67061579
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)7Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures14
Classes (count)3Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes6
Total Contact Hours20
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)7Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures14
Classes (count)3Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes6
Total Contact Hours20
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Biology, physics, chemistry (the scope of secondary school programme).
To improve students’ competency in civil and environmental protection maters, in accordance with the provision of the Cabinet Regulations No. 716 of 15 December 2017 “The Minimum Requirements for the Content of the Mandatory Course in Civil Protection for and the Content of Civil Protection training for Employees”.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Civil protection, general tasks. Potentially hazardous everyday situations (internal and external hazards), most important general requirements for safe behaviour in different situations in everyday life, transport, nature, public places, and electronic environment. Potential disasters in the country and potential consequences (including the storage and transportation of various dangerous substances), terrorism and its manifestations. Risk assessment. General requirements for emergency actionLectures1.00E-Studies platform
2Structure, legal framework, organisation and management of the civil protection system in the country as a whole and in various institutions. Duties of the government and various institutions in the field of civil protection, municipal civil protection commissions. Tasks, rights and obligations of the government and local governments, legal entities and natural persons in civil protection. Planning of preventive, response and remedial measures and possible actions. Hazardous objects.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
3Civil alert and notification systems in the country as a whole and in specific departments. Procedure for requesting and provision of international assistance. The action of an individual when the alarm is heard. Possible personal protective equipment in case of disasters, taking into account the nature of the disasters. Possible involvement, role and action of healthcare professionals in emergency situations.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
4Specific risks according to chemical substances and equipment used in the departments. Radiation safety. Evacuation measures in the event of a disaster in the country as a whole and in specific departments.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
5Environmental health and protection. Topical issues concerning environmental quality and protection in Latvia and in the world. Major environmental health and safety concerns. Environmental legislation.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
6Key environmental factors, their identification and assessment (air, water, soil, noise, various contaminants, etc.). Action to mitigate various environmental aspects and to deal with emergencies related to the environment.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
7First aid.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
8Action at the scene of accident. Safety of the first aid provider. Basic resuscitation measures for adults (using AED algorithm). Practical implementation of basic resuscitation measures. First aid in choking. First aid in case of drowning.Classes1.00METC
9Traumatic injuries. Massive bleeding. Circulatory shock.Classes1.00METC
10First aid in specific clinical cases.Classes1.00METC
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Civil protection, general tasks. Potentially hazardous everyday situations (internal and external hazards), most important general requirements for safe behaviour in different situations in everyday life, transport, nature, public places, and electronic environment. Potential disasters in the country and potential consequences (including the storage and transportation of various dangerous substances), terrorism and its manifestations. Risk assessment. General requirements for emergency actionLectures1.00E-Studies platform
2Structure, legal framework, organisation and management of the civil protection system in the country as a whole and in various institutions. Duties of the government and various institutions in the field of civil protection, municipal civil protection commissions. Tasks, rights and obligations of the government and local governments, legal entities and natural persons in civil protection. Planning of preventive, response and remedial measures and possible actions. Hazardous objects.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
3Civil alert and notification systems in the country as a whole and in specific departments. Procedure for requesting and provision of international assistance. The action of an individual when the alarm is heard. Possible personal protective equipment in case of disasters, taking into account the nature of the disasters. Possible involvement, role and action of healthcare professionals in emergency situations.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
4Specific risks according to chemical substances and equipment used in the departments. Radiation safety. Evacuation measures in the event of a disaster in the country as a whole and in specific departments.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
5Environmental health and protection. Topical issues concerning environmental quality and protection in Latvia and in the world. Major environmental health and safety concerns. Environmental legislation.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
6Key environmental factors, their identification and assessment (air, water, soil, noise, various contaminants, etc.). Action to mitigate various environmental aspects and to deal with emergencies related to the environment.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
7First aid.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
8Action at the scene of accident. Safety of the first aid provider. Basic resuscitation measures for adults (using AED algorithm). Practical implementation of basic resuscitation measures. First aid in choking. First aid in case of drowning.Classes1.00METC
9Traumatic injuries. Massive bleeding. Circulatory shock.Classes1.00METC
10First aid in specific clinical cases.Classes1.00METC
Unaided Work:
Theoretical preparation for practical classes, using the material on e-study environment.
Assessment Criteria:
To have an access to the Final Test, following points must be completed – compulsory. 1. Successfully completed all multiple-choice tests after the video lectures – compulsory. 2. Successfully completed all the pre-class tests – compulsory. 3. All the practical classes attended and approved (first aid skills in life-threatening situations are assessed) – compulsory. Assessment consists of: cumulative assessment of tests (50%) and final examination of the course – written test (50%).
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam (Written)
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Students have knowledge of civil protection issues (in accordance with the Cabinet Regulations No.716 of 5 December 2017). On completion of the course, students will have knowledge of: • the structure, legal framework, organisation and management of the civil protection system; tasks, rights and duties of the State, local governments, legal and natural persons in the field of civil protection; hazardous objects, hazard identification and risk assessment; duties and rights of owners and legal possessors; civil protection commissions of local governments; hazardous substances, their classification and requirements for storage and transportation; requesting and providing international assistance; personal protective equipment in the event of a disaster; specific legal regimes and actions in specific areas. • Students will understand various environmental factors, their impact on health and safety and action in various emergencies related to the environment. • On completion of the course, students will be able to describe the principles of first aid in critical situations (e.g. stopping dangerous bleeding, resuscitation measures), as well as to organise calling for the first aid.
Skills:On completion of the course, students will be able to successfully demonstrate the skills of first aid in critical situations (e.g. stopping dangerous bleeding, resuscitation measures) as well as calling for the first aid. On completion of the course, students will be able to: • demonstrate first aid skills in critical situations (e.g. stopping the bleeding, resuscitation measures) • appropriately manage the case and provide qualitative first aid before the arrival of EMS team • perform primary examination of victims in the pre-hospital stage; • carry out basic life support for adults and children; • provide first aid for choking casualty; • control external bleeding by direct pressure; • give first aid for casualty in shock. On completion of the course, students will be able to independently, critically analyse, find information and data when performing identification of environmental health problems, as well as to evaluate the importance of them in promotion and strenghtening of health.
Competencies:Upon completion of the course, students will be able to provide appropriate high quality first aid for casualties with different critical conditions, using the resources available.
Clinical Skills:
1Bag-mask ventilationB1 - Basic level
2Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (basic)B1 - Basic level
Required Reading
1First Aid Manual. DK Publishing, 2021.
2European Resuscitation Council; "Guidelines for Resuscitation: 2017 Update"
3Videolekciju un praktisko nodarbību materiāli
4Pirmās palīdzības sniegšanas pamatzināšanu apmācības programmas vadlīnijas
5Vai tu zini, kā rīkoties ārkārtas gadījumos? Rīga: Valsts ugunsdzēsības un glābšanas dienests, 2020.
6Valsts aizsardzības koncepcija. Rīga: LR Aizsardzības ministrija, 2012., 15 lpp.
7Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students:
8First Aid Manual. DK Publishing, 2021.
9European Resuscitation Council; "Guidelines for Resuscitation: 2017 Update"
Additional Reading
1Vides veselība. RSU, 2008.
2Informatīvie materiāli: Atkritumi, Gaiss, Ķīmiskās vielas, Videi draudzīgas izvēles un Ūdens, Vides un reģionālās attīstības ministrija. Rīga, 2003
Other Information Sources
1"Minimālās prasības obligātā civilās aizsardzības kursa saturam un nodarbināto civilās aizsardzības apmācības saturam" (MK noteikumi Nr. 716)
2"Noteikumi par apmācību pirmās palīdzības sniegšanā" (MK noteikumi Nr. 557)