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The Department of Internal Diseases of the Faculty of Medicine together with the Latvian Society of Internal Medicine and the Latvian Association of Haematology are organising an online seminar on the impact of COVID-19 on myocardium and haemostasis on 3 February.

Target audience: lecturers, doctors from various specialties, residents, senior students

Registration is required in order for participants to receive the link to the event.

Sign up here


The association between COVID-19 and myocarditis

Myocardial damage is one of the most dangerous complications of COVID-19 infection. Even in low symptomatic patients, the risk of late and long-term complications is quite high. A minimal increase in myocarditis in younger patients is noted during vaccination, but this is neither clinically nor statistically significant. The benefits of vaccination are measured by a significant reduction in the number of severe cases.

Cardiologist prof. Oskars Kalējs

COVID-19 vs coagolopathy: pathogenetics and biomarkers based clinical management

Imbalanced immune and hypercoagulation response in the pathogenesis of COVID-19, hypercoagulation vs anticoagulation treatment in COVID-19 associated with thrombosis, thrombotic activity, and septic disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, and arterial thrombosis caused by COVID-19 virus infection.

Clinical haemostasis specialist prof. Julius Ptašekas (Lithuania)*

The second lecture will be held in English

The seminar will be chaired by Prof. Aivars Lejnieks.

Participants are invited to send their questions in advance by e-mail to aivars[pnkts]lejnieksatrsu[pnkts]lv and they will be forwarded to the lecturers.

tiešsaistē, platformā Zoom
