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Information systems


The Microsoft Teams is available not only on RSU working computers, but also on your home computers or smart devices.

1. To download and install Microsoft Teams on your computer, phone, or tablet, visit the link:

2. However, if you want to use Microsoft Teams using the browser, visit the following link: When login page opens, enter your RSU credentials.

Download and install Microsoft Teams on your computer


This program can be installed on both - your home and office computer. 


Click button Download Teams, and after click on Run.


When downloading has finished, Microsoft Teams opens, and there RSU credentials must be 

When e-mail is entered, you will be redirected to the RSU authentication page where password is required.

After Microsoft Teams will open. In Teams you can create employee groups (called Teams) which enables the entire group to communicate with a video camera. Within the group, you can share documents and create common lists.