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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Mārtiņš Menniks
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Social Welfare and Social Work
Branch of science:Management; Public Management


Provide insight into project management as a significant discipline for the development of Latvia, provide students with theoretical knowledge and promote the practical application of theoretical knowledge in the field of project development and management, as well as in attracting European Union funds and other financial resources.


Not required

Learning outcomes


The student will be able to demonstrate the acquired knowledge and understanding by explaining the concept of the project and other key terms, as well as by describing project management processes. The student will be able to describe the design and planning of the project, as well as the process and stages of the project implementation and management. The student will be able to name and describe the basic principles of project team building and assess risks; classify and evaluate the available resources.
Upon completion of the study course, students will have acquired knowledge and understanding of the importance of record keeping in the work of any institution, classification of documents, general requirements for drawing up office documents, legal validity of documents, circulation of documents, the language used in documents and record management, and the specific features in drawing up various documents.


The student will be able to collect relevant information about the available financial resources and project competitions, apply appropriate basic management skills in project preparation and implementation. Select cooperation partners and coordinate team work, work with project documentation and evaluate the project. Present projects publicly.
Upon completion of the study course, students will understand the basis of the record keeping and the nature of the legal technique, and they will be able to draft and design an order, organisational documents, internal correspondence, human resources and other types of documents.


The student will be able to use the acquired knowledge and skills in situations where it is beneficial to initiate new projects or to participate in different stages of project implementation to achieve specific goals. The student will be able to analyse and assess the potential for project efficiency and the related risks. Initiate new, valuable projects.
Upon completion of the study course, students will be able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practical drafting and drawing up of documents; will be able to engage in creative and critical discussions on problems in the drafting and designing of documents, and will be able to evaluate and analyse the legal capacity of the document.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Social work, SD7Bachelor’sRequiredElīna Roze, Mārtiņš Menniks