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Implementing FAIR Principles in the Field of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

Project/agreement No.
Project funding
50 000.00 EUR
Project manager
Project realization
01.01.2023. - 30.06.2023.


This project aims to prepare and publish a wealth of research data within the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) discipline making it publicly available to the OSH community at RSU, in Latvia, and Europe as well as to researchers from other disciplines.


The project is expected to demonstrate the use of discipline-specific metadata standards and how to make research data FAIR within OSH and across other disciplines (e. g., bioinformatics, chemical biology, clinical research, translational medicine). We foresee an integration of these research datasets into existing data catalogues, which are subsequently integrated into the EOSC portal. The project team will publish a detailed overview of the challenges to sharing data within a discipline, suggested solutions, and requirements.

Related Websites

EOSC Future Funding Platform

Research Data Alliance