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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:20 / 30
Course supervisor:Māris Andžāns
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Political Science
Language:English, Latvian
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Politics


Drafting and defence of a Master’s thesis.


All the necessary study courses of the programme have been mastered.

Learning outcomes


Students will obtain in-depth knowledge of the selected topic of the Master’s thesis from both the empirical and theoretical perspective. Students will be familiar with the methodological and methodical issues of large-scale work that can be used not only in the development of this and other possible diploma papers, but also in professional activities.


Students will conduct large-scale individual work under stress, when a range of tasks of different importance and complexity are to be done at the same time. Skills acquired during the Master’s thesis development process will include work planning, task prioritization skills, as well as stress resilience skills. Students will deepen their skills to listen to the views of others (members of the defence commission, paper supervisor and students) about their work and assess the need for improvement.


Through the development of the Master’s thesis, students will improve the competence to develop new innovative solutions in professional work in the academic environment, public administration, the non-governmental sector and the business environment.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Russia and Eurasia Studies, RESMeng4Master’sRequiredKarina Palkova, Arta Snipe, Elīna Vrobļevska, Daina Bleiere, Māris Cepurītis, Elizabete Elīna Vizgunova-Vikmane, Lelde Metla-Rozentāle
International Governance and Diplomacy, IGDMeng4Master’sRequiredKarina Palkova, Arta Snipe, Elīna Vrobļevska, Kārlis Bukovskis, Daina Bleiere, Edijs Bošs, Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova, Māris Cepurītis, Mārtiņš Daugulis, Elizabete Elīna Vizgunova-Vikmane, Mārtiņš Vargulis, Lelde Metla-Rozentāle, Māris Andžāns
International Relations and Diplomacy, SEDM4Master’sRequiredSintija Broka, Vineta Kleinberga, Elīna Vrobļevska, Kārlis Bukovskis, Andris Sprūds, Daina Bleiere, Edijs Bošs, Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova, Māris Cepurītis, Mārtiņš Daugulis, Mārtiņš Vargulis, Lelde Metla-Rozentāle, Māris Andžāns