RSU Crèche
Namiņš is the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) crèche located in the RSU main building. RSU students and employees can leave their children (ages 3-7) here for periods of up to 4 hours per day. The children will be provided with various activities such as board games, drawing and painting, playing with modelling clay etc. while their parents are studying or working. Children will also be engaged in various learning activities.
No more than 5 children are allowed in the crèche at one time.
Advance registration is required! Please contact a staff member by phone +371 670 608 08 or email rotaluistaba
rsu[pnkts]lv (rotaluistaba[at]rsu[dot]lv) before coming to the crèche.

Please note!
- The crèche is meant for children between 3 and 7 years old,
- Children can be left in the crèche for a maximum of 4 hours,
- You will have to sign an agreement indicating the approximate pick-up time before you leave your child in the crèche,
- If you decide not use the crèche or are late for your pre-arranged time, you must inform the teacher,
- Parents must be available at all times via the phone number written down in the agreement,
- Children must be dressed appropriately for indoor activities. Coats and outdoor footwear must be left in the cloakroom,
- If any child needs special care or they have allergies, the staff must be notified of this. Staff are authorised refuse to admit children on a case-by-case basis,
- Children are not provided with meals or sleeping arrangements while in the crèche. Children are not allowed to bring food and drinks with them. Drinking water is available,
- Please be responsible and assess your child's health before coming to the crèche. Children with signs of illness will not be admitted.
RSU Crèche
Rīga Stradiņš University Main Building
16 Dzirciema iela, Rīga, LV-1007
Room: 16 Dzirciema iela, Ground Floor, next to the cloakroom
Phone: +37167060808
E-mail: rotaluistaba [at] rsu.lv
Working hoursMon–Fri 8.30 – 17 (12.30–13 lunch)
Sat, Sun – closed
Sat, Sun – closed
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