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A Doctoral School seminar on qualitative research methods in social sciences titled Ethnographic method and theory generation will be held on 16 December.


liene_ozolina.jpgLiene Ozoliņa (pictured) is a political sociologist specialising in political ethnography and social theory and a lecturer at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She holds a PhD in sociology from LSE and has degrees also from the University of Amsterdam and the Latvian Academy of Culture. Liene’s research interests span neoliberalism and welfare reforms, state-citizen relationship in post-socialist societies, political subjectivity formation, and ordinary ethics. Her first book Politics of Waiting: Workfare, post-Soviet austerity, and the ethics of freedom was published in 2019 by Manchester University Press. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Latvia following the 2009 global economic crisis, the book examines post-Soviet neoliberalism as both a form of statecraft and an ethical regime. Liene’s research has  also been published in the British Journal of Sociology, Slavic Review, Journal of Baltic Studies, and East European Politics and Societies.


Liene Ozoliņa on social policies

