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Ideation workshop

Content – what will you learn? 

Want to make a real difference and help create a more sustainable world—whether it’s in ecology, society, the economy, or beyond? You have an idea, but are not sure how much potential it really has? Or you are still looking for an idea or feedback for further development of your idea? Then this workshop is for you!

In this course you will get to know ideation approaches and learn the advantages of each for generating new ideas or improving the one(s) you already have.

We will examine the following methods in detail:

  • Scenario & Trend analysis
  • Customer Discovery / Design Thinking
  • Value Proposition Assembly

After the round of brainstorming (and idea sharpening) individuals and teams will get the chance to briefly pitch their idea within 30 sec.

Methodology – how will you learn?

The workshop will alternate between short bursts of method explanations and hands on exercises.


  • 18:00 - 18:30 Intro - Technical trends and SDGs
  • 18:30 - 19:45 Ideation - fundamentals, principles and Idea development
  • 19:45 - 20:15 Idea pitch (30 sec per idea)
  • 20:15 - 20:30 Ramp-up + takeaways

Competences – how will the workshop support you?

  • Creative Thinking
  • Ideation
  • Idea Refinement
  • Value Proposition Creation

Practical examples

  • Examining trends you read about, deepening your knowledge about them and generating ideas based on them
  • Generate ideas based on interviews, observations & immersions
  • Construct a new Value Proposition by examining and modifying existing Value Propositions or building them from ground

Speaker: Benedikt Glatzl (Austria)

Benedikt Glatzl an IT product & innovation executive with a passion for helping organizations & teams overcome challenges and innovate using strategic thinking, creative problem solving and data analytics. Over the past 13 years he has gained experience in evaluating & steering a variety of organizations, companies & products, which helps him see problems from many different perspectives & coming up with fitting solutions for them. Experienced in application of Scrum, Agile Development, Lean Startup & Design Thinking frameworks and product management tools like Jira, Wrike, Monday and others

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