Rīgas Stradiņš University's doctoral students and research staff from all research platforms are welcome to attend an on-site three-lecture cycle 'Introduction to Social Network Analysis.' The lectures will be held in English.
Lecture I: Introduction
- Why Networks are important
- Examples of network analysis in various spheres
13 Jan 15:30–17:00
Lecture II: Network Data
- Sources of network data
- Ways of collecting network data
20 Jan 15:30–17:00
Lecture III: Network Metrics
- Important dimensions of networks
- Measuring networks: individual metrics, group metrics, system-wide metrics
- Metric types based on geodesics / based on network horizon
27 Jan 15:30–17:00
Social network analysis [SNA] is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers, URLs, and other connected information/knowledge entities. The nodes in the network are the people and groups while the links show relationships or flows between the nodes. SNA provides both a visual and a mathematical analysis of human relationships.
Social Network Analysis is important for several reasons:
- Understanding Relationships
- Identifying Key Players
- Enhancing Communication
- Detecting Communities
- Predicting Behaviour
- Resource Allocation
- Informing Policy and Strategies
- Overall, Social Network Analysis is a powerful tool that provides insight into social structures, enhancing decision-making, efficiency, and collaboration across various fields
About the lecturer
Valdis Edgars Krebs is a network scientist who specializes in social, relational, multimodal data analysis and visualization.
Krebs is a network scientist, who uses data mining, graph analysis, network analysis, pattern discovery and artificial intelligence (AI) to assist a worldwide client base. He developed the popular InFlow software and many unique algorithms for discovering non-obvious patterns in networks.
Valdis has been cited thousands of times in academic publications, patent applications and court documents on network analysis, network visualization, organizational networks, community networks and covert/criminal networks. His work also appears in dozens of business books.
Publicity photo
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Valdis Edgars Krebs: A Pioneer in Social Network Mapping
Valdis Edgars Krebs, a recognized name in the field of social network analysis, is known for his work in applying network mapping techniques to understand various social phenomena. His expertise lies in visualizing and analyzing relationships between people, groups, and organizations, revealing hidden patterns and insights that traditional data analysis methods often miss.
Early Mapping and Consulting Work
Krebs' interest in networks began in the 1990s when he started mapping social structures within organizations. He quickly realized the power of visualizing these connections to understand communication flow, knowledge sharing, and decision-making processes. This led him to found Orgnet, LLC, a consulting firm specializing in network analysis and organizational change.
Through Orgnet, Krebs has worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. He helps them map their internal networks to identify key influencers, communication bottlenecks, and areas for improvement in collaboration and knowledge management.
Uncloaking Terrorist Networks
Krebs gained significant recognition after the 9/11 attacks when he used his network mapping expertise to analyze the terrorist network behind the tragedy. Using publicly available information, he mapped the relationships between the hijackers and other known individuals connected to the plot.
This work, documented in his paper "Mapping Networks of Terrorist Cells," demonstrated the power of network analysis in understanding covert organizations. It highlighted how seemingly disparate individuals could be linked together, revealing the structure and vulnerabilities of terrorist groups.
Key Contributions to Network Mapping
Krebs' work has significantly contributed to the field of network mapping in several ways:
Practical Applications: He has successfully applied network mapping to real-world problems, demonstrating its value in various domains, from business and organizational development to counter-terrorism and public health.
Visualization Techniques: Krebs emphasizes the importance of clear and intuitive visualizations to make network data accessible and understandable. He utilizes various software and tools to create compelling network maps that reveal key insights.
Methodological Advancements: He has refined methodologies for collecting and analyzing network data, particularly in the context of covert networks where information is scarce and difficult to obtain.
Public Awareness: Through his writings, presentations, and workshops, Krebs has helped raise awareness about the power and potential of network mapping, making it a more widely used and understood tool.
Beyond Terrorism: Diverse Applications
While Krebs is perhaps best known for his work on terrorist networks, his expertise extends to various other domains:
- Social Media Analysis: He has studied online social networks to understand how information spreads, how communities form, and how influencers emerge.
- Political Networks: Krebs has mapped political connections to analyze power structures, lobbying efforts, and the flow of influence within political systems.
- Scientific Collaboration: He has examined co-authorship networks in scientific publications to identify key researchers, emerging research areas, and patterns of collaboration.
- Public Health: Krebs has used network mapping to track the spread of diseases, identify high-risk individuals, and design effective intervention strategies.
Continued Impact and Legacy
Valdis Krebs continues to be an influential figure in the field of social network analysis. His work has not only advanced the theoretical understanding of networks but also demonstrated their practical value in addressing real-world challenges.
His legacy lies in his ability to make complex network data accessible and meaningful through clear visualizations and insightful analysis. By revealing the hidden patterns of connections, Krebs has helped us better understand the world around us, from the inner workings of organizations to the dynamics of social movements and the threats posed by terrorist groups.
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