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14 May 2022, is Museum Night in Riga. Make sure that the RSU Anatomy Museum (9 Kronvalda bulvāris) is on your route! Doors will be open to all guests from 18:00 onwards.

Ikviens muzeja apmeklētājs šajā naktī aicināts ieskatīties dažādu cilvēku dažādās iekšējās pasaulēs – primāri fiziskajā, bet noslēgumā, izmantojot mūziku, – arī sapņu un pragmatiskajā, jo šī pasākuma programma veidota sadarbībā ar komponistu Platonu Buravicki.

During this night, all visitors will be invited to delve into the inner worlds of different people - primarily the physical, but with the help of music also the dream world. The programme has been created in collaboration with composer Platons Buravickis.

Further information about this event


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As Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) is a public institution you could be photographed and/or filmed during the event. Your personal data might be used to further the interests of RSU, e.g. for marketing or communication activities (incl. social media coverage). Read more about your rights see the RSU Privacy Policy. Should you have any objections to your personal data being processed please inform us via e-mail at rsuatrsu[pnkts]lv (rsu[at]rsu[dot]lv).
