Climbing academic peaks: Rafaels Ciekurs shares his experience about doctoral studies at RSU
We are launching a five-story series about five passionate, courageous people who challenged themselves and made the decision to embark on a climb. This climb requires willpower, endurance, and flexibility to overcome difficulties that come up along the way, but in return brings new, exciting discoveries, support from a team, and access to dizzying horizons like we hear about from mountain climbers. You don't however always have to pack a backpack to get to the top – you can achieve the same by enrolling in a doctoral programme at RSU!
In this series, our young doctoral students answer the first important questions you might have if you think that academic mountaineering is an exciting prospect and that reaching the peak is part of your life plan.
We continue the series with Rafaels Ciekurs, a doctoral student in law (pictured).
How did you choose the topic of your doctoral thesis?
My life is dynamic and fast-paced. After graduating from my third study programme at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU), I received an offer to continue exploring my master's topic in telemedicine, which I had started researching after the encouragement of my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Karina Palkova. She emphasised that this topic was relevant, had potential for innovation and added value in the future, and so I was convinced of the relevance of my dissertation topic for scientific research.
How did you find your thesis supervisor?
When choosing my supervisor, I took shared views, life style and goals into account. I was inspired by the support of my supervisor, which led me down this path, even though I had never in my life planned to study for a PhD.
How did you choose the university and programme?
Choosing the university was easy. As a person with clear goals, I appreciated RSU’s reputation, innovation, and commitment to continuous development.
What’s your advice on how to draw up an application for a doctoral thesis?
Applying for doctoral studies required careful preparation. For six months, I worked on scientific articles, created poster presentations, and other materials. This allowed me to get the only state-funded study place.
What do you value at RSU?
I appreciate the resources that are available to me at RSU and the technical support that the library provides, helping me to use technical tools and obtain the best materials. If a PhD student is active, responsive and determined, the university will always provide support in all areas.
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