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For PhD Students
Conferences, workshops

Due to the great interest from researchers and doctoral students, the scientific committee of the 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists Research Latvia has extended the deadline for abstract submission until 16 April 2023. Participants are invited to submit their applications for poster presentations and participation in the Science Slam competition.

Applications can be submitted in Latvian and English or in English only on the Congress website

Abstract submission for poster presentations

The congress is open to poster presentations in any discipline or interdisciplinary field. Submitted abstracts should be up to 200 words and indicate the study’s potential to contribute to the development of Latvia, by which is meant either technological advances, as well as an improvement to human wellbeing (physical or mental), health, economy, or environment. Various challenges are best addressed through interdisciplinary collaboration, as well as through collaborations with industry and society. Participants are invited to present the results of their research in an engaging way that is likely to be of interest to researchers in other fields.

Good to know

An international interdisciplinary scientific jury will carry out a blind peer review of the submitted poster presentations. The authors will be selected to present their posters during the congress. After being selected, applicants will be invited to prepare their posters to be presented digitally.

If the topic of a submitted poster corresponds to one of the three main topics of the congress’ programme (green transition, digital transformation, science impact), the congress’ scientific committee can invite specific applicants to present at a parallel session. In such cases, applicants will be contacted separately after the initial selection.

Doktorantiem par tēžu un video iesniegšanu dalībai Science Slam konkursā 

The congress will also include a Science Slam competition for PhD students and PhD candidates, where 15 authors will have the opportunity to compete against each other on stage during the congress with two-minute presentations on the most compelling narrative from their research.

Starpdisciplināra starptautiska žūrija pirms kongresa veiks sākotnējo sesijas dalībnieku atlasi, nodrošinās dalībnieku prezentēšanas apmācības, kā arī kongresā apbalvos Science Slam uzvarētājus.

An interdisciplinary international jury will make the initial selection of session participants, provide presentation training workshops for participants, and award the winners at the congress.

The four winners will be provided with an all-expenses paid trip to an international conference, congress, or symposium. The prize money is provided by four Latvian research universities.

To apply, please provide information about yourself and the research you plan to present, submit an abstract (up to 200 words), as well as a video presentation (up to two minutes). There are no restrictions on scientific field, but authors are encouraged to specify the potential impact that their research will have on Latvia’s growth and future.

The 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists Research Latvia will take place at the National Library of Latvia in Riga from 27 to 29 June 2023. The event will bring together Latvian researchers, doctoral students, students, entrepreneurs from all around the world, international and local partners, and representatives of government, public administration, and international organisations to celebrate Latvia’s scientific achievements and discuss the impact of scientific results on society and policy-making.

More information and registration