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Preparatory visit for strengthening of the partnership and development of project application “Bilateral Research Cooperation in the Field of Migration and Economy of Latvian and Norwegian Researchers”

Project/agreement No.
Project funding
1 000.00 EUR, EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism funding
Project realization
28.01.2014. - 29.01.2014.


The aim of the project is to agree upon the cooperation between Riga Stradiņš University (RSU) and SINTEF Technology and Society, within the framework of which a bilateral research cooperation project will be undertaken


Within the research project it is planned to undertake international and interdisciplinary (anthropology, sociology, public health) research. Within the context of the informal economy it is planned to research such fields as migration, informal payments in the medical market, individual insolvency and other issues

Activities of the project

Within the framework of the preparatory project two researchers from the Norwegian partner institution will visit Latvia, during which we will acquaint ourselves with our Norwegian partners. During the cooperation project a preparatory meeting, the research theme directions, methodology, cooperation principles, distribution of fields of responsibility and duties shall be identified, the project application will be prepared and agreement will be reached on project [research] implementation

Participants of the visit - Gunnar M. Lamvik, senior researcher of SINTEF Technology and Society, Andre Royrvik, senior researcher of SINTEF Technology and Society.
Cooperation partner: SINTEF Technology and Society, Industrial Management, Norway