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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Anželika Berķe-Berga
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Business Management
Branch of science:Economics


To provide an understanding of the essence, types, forms, processes of the establishment of international financial relations and accounting thereof, to acquaint with the main international financial organisations, and the aims and specifics of their activities.


Basics of economics, basics of finances, history of economics and business, microeconomics and macroeconomics, international business relations.

Learning outcomes


Successful completion of the study course will provide students with an understanding of the basis of origins and causes of international financial relations, international trade, the development of currency systems and current realities, principles and significance of the development of balance of payments, specifics of currency market functioning and exchange rate policies, regimes, the economic rationale and significance of the EMS, the introduction of the euro, the theory of optimal currency areas for the activities of international financial institutions.


Ability to analyse and study international financial flows and trends, to draw conclusions. To understand the specifics of national monetary policy and their impact on the economy, both locally and globally.


Ability to manage currency transactions, perform currency exchange operations; ability to identify specifics of the economic environment and market conditions, to assess the need to change the financial position and objectives of the company.

Study course planning

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