Leadership Theories and Diversity Management (ksk_144)
About Study Course
To promote understanding of students about leadership, its theories, styles and models, to analyse leader’s personality and action, reviewing situations faced by a leader, when building teams, leading organisations and motivating to work effectively. To provide students with an idea of the history of development of diversity management, its latest trends, comparing experiences of the European Union and the United States. To provide an overview of the phenomenon of diversity in the EU and US ethnic policy.
Understanding of intercultural communication and its importance in the society, an organisation and individual’s daily life.
Learning outcomes
After mastering the course students know the concept, theories of and approaches to leadership and diversity management, implementation/evaluation strategies, know the concept of discrimination, foundations and types of discrimination, defence mechanisms.
After mastering the course students are able to analyse leadership and diversity management strategies and approaches, understand their usability in the work of a specific organisation. Able to recognise cases of discrimination and be aware of consequences and effects of discrimination on an individual and society.
After mastering the course students, by understanding the importance of leadership and diversity management, are able to use it in the analysis of own organisation (workplace) and development of a strategy. Able to independently analyse a leader’s action and diversity situation, including by stating necessary discrimination elements and offering specific solutions.