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About Study Course

Department: Department of Welfare and Social Work
Credit points / ECTS:20 / 30
Course supervisor:Ilze Trapenciere
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Social Welfare and Social Work
Branch of science:Sociology


To ensure students skills needed for the application at professional level - in social work and social service systems.


Not applicable

Learning outcomes


Will be able to integrate knowledge about social work at municipality, state and NGO settings in work with children and youth; will gain knowledge about intervention process (from planning to realization).


Will be able to plan intervention process in work with children and youth; will be able to evaluate needs of target group; will be able to apply legislation in the work; will be able to apply social work methods and theories in intervention process; will be able to present intervention process for audience.


Will develop personal and professional competencies: social work ethics and social justice, human rights perspective; values and knowledge, ethics, boundaries; intercultural aspects of work with children and youth, multicultural competence.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.