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Current competitions

Scientist Grant – Additional Selection
Durationup to 12 months
RecipientAn RSU or RSU LASE scientist elected to a scientific or academic position (researcher, leading researcher, professor, associate professor, or acting in these positions)
Minimum CriteriaThe supervisor of the Scientist Grant has published at least one full-length publication or review article, or book/ book chapter, in publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection or SCOPUS within the last three years (2022, 2023, 2024).
H-index Requirements:
Fields of Medicine, Health Sciences, or Natural Sciences: at least 3 (SCOPUS);
Field of Social Sciences: at least 2 (SCOPUS)
EmploymentNo specific workload requirements
FundingEUR 7,500 per month for salary and research expenses
Special ConditionsThe supervisor of the Scientist Grant can be a grant supervisor in only one grant funded under the Consolidation Plan in all grant competitions.
Submission ConditionsGrant competition applications must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the RSU Regulation on the Selection, Implementation and Monitoring of Scientist Grants, as well as the conditions outlined in the RSU Rector’s Decree No. 1-PB-2/902/2024 dated 12.12.2024.
Submission via the National Scientific activity information system:
13–27 January 2025, until 17:00.
Related Attachments


Zinātnieka granta pieteikums (pielikums nr. 1) 

Zinātnieka granta izvērsts budžeta plānojums (pielikums nr. 2)
Vērtēšanas kritēriji zinātnieka grantiem (pielikums nr. 3)
Zinātnieka granta noslēguma zinātniskais pārskats (pielikums Nr. 4)
Zinātnieka granta noslēguma zinātniskā pārskata individuālais / konsolidētais vērtējums (pielikums nr. 5)

Description of the grant application (Annex 1 Part B) 
Curriculum Vitae (Annex 1 Part C)

Instruction NZDIS

Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to purchase equipment and/or software exceeding 7500 EUR under the Scientist Grant?

No, fixed assets cannot be purchased within the Scientist Grant. Only low-value inventory, with a value not exceeding 500.00 EUR (including VAT), can be procured. This condition also applies to software and licenses.

Can researchers and PhD students from other universities be involved in the Scientist Grant team?

Yes, experts, research support staff, and students from other institutions can be involved as executors in the Scientist Grant, provided that the necessary competencies are not available among RSU colleagues. Tasks and deliverables must be clearly defined. Therefore, it is essential to assess the relevance of such employment in the RSU context, as the primary aim of the Scientist Grant is to support the development of the scientist.

Can the workload of a Scientist Grant supervisor be combined with an existing workload in other positions?

Total employment must not exceed one full workload (40 hours per week). If you are currently working full-time, a portion of your workload will need to be reallocated to grant funding once the grant implementation begins.

What are the formal requirements for Part B: Grant Application Description – font, font size, line spacing?

The text must be formatted using Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.0 line spacing, in accordance with the RSU Document Management Regulations (Rector's Decree No. 5-1/319/2019, dated 17.12.2019.).

Doctoral Grant – Additional Selection
Duration12 months
RecipientsRSU doctoral students and RSU and LASE doctoral candidates
Minimum Criteriaat least one (1) full-length scientific publication on the topic of the doctoral thesis, indexed in Web of Science Core Collection, SCOPUS, PubMed, ERIH+, EBSCO, Index Copernicus International and Open access, that has been published or has been accepted for publication by a journal in the last 4 years (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
Employment50 % or 40 % of full time
FundingIn accordance with the simplified cost methodology developed by the Ministry of Education and Science:
  • 50% of full-time = 1292 €/month (incl. VATSIC) + 6000 €/year research costs,
  • 40% of full-time = 1034 €/month (incl. VATSIC) + 4800 €/year research costs.
Submit paper copies of your application through the Development and Project Department (5 Dārza iela) or digitally (signed with a secure electronic signature and time stamp) via e-mail: doktorantugrantsapdatrsu[pnkts]lv by 28 February 2025.
Related Attachments


Application for a Doctoral Grant (Annex No. 1)
Work plan / work assignment (Annex No. 2)
Evaluation criteria (Annex No. 3)
Estimate of the costs (Annex No. 4)
Confirmation of the deadline for the doctoral thesis of the degree candidate (Annex No. 5)
Final report (Annex No. 6)

The project RSU internal and RSU with LASE external consolidation No.  is financed by the investment of the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility and the state budget.