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Older people, especially those with fewer digital skills were receiving limited healthcare services during COVID-19. We explore how the health of the ageing populations in different countries was affected before and during COVID-19 pandemic, and what are the effects of labor market attachment on pension income.

We also discuss three dimensions: an age-friendly society – integration and person-centered services – leadership, planning and coordination – all of which are interconnected and function together. A broad range of collaborative projects must be launched, based on agreements on the integration of health and social services in regional areas or individual municipalities. We would like, therefore, to invite stakeholders, civil society, service providers and researchers to participate in the seminar and take an active role in discussions aiming to enlighten proposed action in line with the Decade of Healthy Ageing in Europe.



Presentation of the most important findings on ageing in the Baltic States and Sweden

  • Ieva Reine, PhD, senior researcher, Riga Stradiņš University, Statistics Unit, Latvia and associated researcher, Uppsala University, Department of Public health and Caring sciences, Sweden
  • Madara Miķelsone, researcher, Riga Stradiņš University, Statistics Unit, Latvia
  • Luule Sakkeus, PhD, Professor Estonian Institute for Population Studies Tallinn University, Estonia
  • Antanas Kairys, PhD, Professor, Institute of Psychology, Vilnius University, Lithuania


Health research utilizing health equity frameworks among the elderly in the Baltic nations

  • Courtney M. Queen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
    Fulbright Scholar at Rīga Stradiņš University, Public Health Institute, Latvia
    Director for Undergraduate Studies
    Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
    Department of Public Health, Texas Tech University Health Science Center, Lubbock, Texas, U.S.A.


Coffee break


Impact of unpaid care (children and old age) on pension income, a comparison of 5 countries

  • Tanja Kirn, PhD Assistant Professor
    University of Liechtenstein


Respect and Dignity – Integrated health and social services for older persons

  • Halldór S. Guðmundsson, Associate professor
    Faculty of Social Work, University of Iceland, Iceland


Discussion with all seminar participants and guests

The seminar is carried out within the project Promotion of healthy ageing, welfare and social security, EEA-GRANT-2005.

Research Challenges of ageing in the Baltic Sea region (Project/Agreement No. supported by Fulbright Scholar Program.




Nordic Council of Ministers Office

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