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International Cooperation
Conferences, workshops

From 25 to 26 May the Rezekne Academy of Technologies hosted the 12th International Scientific Conference “Society.Integration.Education”. The well-attended conference was organised in 17 parallel sessions where participants from 12 countries could discuss the outcomes of their research depending on the area of specialisation (paedagogy, education, psychology, health science, economics etc.). RSU academic staff and researchers gave reports and held masterclasses at the conference; Klaipeda University (Lithuania) and RSU were the organising partners of the conference.

This year was particularly prolific with regards to submitted papers, resulting in the publication of seven peer-reviewed collections of articles for the first time in the history of the conference. The articles are included in the Web of Science database and comprise research from 26 countries.

For the third year a separate discussion panel was devoted to psychology. The session was set up by RSU and this was the first time a separate collection of articles on psychology was published.

Scientific Papers submitted to the conference