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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Lelde Atvara
Course level:First level
Target audience:Nursing Science
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Health Care


To broad the general perspective on the development and philosophy of nursing science. To provide knowledge and understanding in the planning and implementation of evidence-based patient care, as well as in the development and structure of nursing theories. To develop the ability to identify and formulate care problems, taking into account the patient's needs related to health problems, define care objectives and priorities, to plan care of patient, to describe the resolution of problems and patient education, to draw up and defend the care plan.


History of the world, Latvia's history and natural science, propedeitics, general pathology, anatomy, pharmacology, interpersonal communication in health care.

Learning outcomes


On course completion the students will have basic knowledge about medical history, development of nursing theories, structure and application in care of patients, will have knowledge and insight about problems of patient care and individual care issues in different health disorder cases.


Students will be able to analyse and to evaluate clinical situations, to justify the urgent care problems and offer the solution. To develop ability to create a plan of patient care.


On completion of the study course students will develop professional competence, will be able to assess the clinical situation, using a reasoned nursing theory and use appropriate care plan for the patient, relevant care action and patient education.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.