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Currently the RSU Liepāja Branch offers the following first-level higher vocational healthcare programmes: Medical Massage, Physicians' Assistant and Health Sport Specialist. There are currently approximately 300 students enrolled in these programmes. Additionally, students can also choose to study Nursing and Psychology at the bachelor's level, as well as Nursing and Health Psychology at the master's level.

The contents of the Nursing, Psychology, and Health Sport Specialist bachelor’s and master’s programmes offered at the Liepāja Branch are identical to the programmes that are offered in Riga. Most students start working in the same healthcare institutions where they underwent their placements.

Study Programmes

ProgrammeHead of programmeLevelDurationType
NursingEva CelaProfessional bachelor’s4 yearsFull-time
NursingKristaps CircenisMaster's2 yearsFull-time
PsychologySandra MihailovaBachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology)3 yearsFull-time
Physicians' AssistantSolvita Smilgzieda1st-level professional higher education3 yearsFull-time
Health Care Specialist (qualification: Fitness Coach)Voldemārs Arnis1st-level professional higher education2.5 yearsPart-time
Medical MassageDina Berloviene1st-level professional higher education2 yearsFull-time
