Department of Orthodontics
The objective of the Department of Orthodontics is to implement a high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate education programme, to develop scientific and international cooperation.
Main fields of activity
- Undergraduate education according to RSU-accredited study programmes – Craniofacial Morphology and Orthodontics (diagnostics of dentofacial anomalies and fundamental treatment issues);
- RSU TIF second-level professional higher education study programme Residency in Medicine in the speciality Ortodontics;
- Implementation of a doctoral programme – the basis for doctoral students’ scientific and pedagogical work;
- Scientific studies (carried out by students, resident physicians, doctoral students, etc.), international and local scientific projects.
Research directions
- Assessment of facial soft tissue symmetry in Angle class II and III patients after orthognathic surgery using stereophotogrammetry;
- Facial changes caused by maxillary expansion, their assessment with stereophotogrammetry.
International Co-operation
- University of Leuven, Belgium
- University of Oulu, Finland
- University at Buffalo, USA
Contact person
Ilona Krauze
Secretary, Department of Orthodontics
RSU Institute of Stomatology
Rīga, 20 Dzirciema iela
3th Floor, Room 303
ilona [pts] krauze
rsu [pts] lv

Department of Orthodontics
RSU Institute of Stomatology
Rīga, 20 Dzirciema iela
Phone: +37167815322
E-mail: ortodonkat [at] rsu.lv
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