Skaļāk - the student media network
The first step to telling a story...
The Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) student media network Skaļāk ("louder" in Latvian) is like a laboratory where students (future photographers, multimedia specialists, journalists and public relations specialists) can practice and hone their skills.
We film, record podcasts, shoot photo series, interview interesting people, and are always open to different experiments. We always try not to take ourselves too seriously.
Contact us:
Website: skalak.rsu.lv
Facebook: studentumedijsskalak
Instagram: @studentumedijsskalak
Twitter: studentumedijs
Tiktok: @skalak_rsu
The network is open to all students.
We welcome new ideas, so please write to us on skalakrsu[pnkts]lv (skalak[at]rsu[dot]lv)!
We welcome new ideas, so please write to us on skalakrsu[pnkts]lv (skalak[at]rsu[dot]lv)!
Skaļāk - the student media network
Rīga Stradiņš University Main Building
16 Dzirciema iela, Rīga, LV-1007
Room: Block C, ground floor
E-mail: marta.herca [at] rsu.lv
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