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The 9th International Student Conference Health and Social Sciences (ISC) will take place at Riga Stradins University (RSU) on 27 and 28 March. The conference, one of the largest scientific events in Northern Europe, attracts more than 3000 participants from at least 35 countries each year and is organised by RSU students

The aim of the conference is to encourage students to get involved in research, to broaden their competences, and meet student researchers from other countries.

Students will be able to present their research in one of 19 health science sessions, 4 social science sessions, or in 4 oral, clinical case, and poster sessions. In addition, there will be two new sections this year: General Practice and Family Medicine, Primary and Palliative Care; Digital Medicine, Medical Simulations.

This year, active participants will only be able to present their work in person, whereas passive participants will be able to join the conference either in person or remotely.

In addition to the conference, there will be more than 15 workshops where participants will be able to try new things and improve their skills. The programme also includes tours, broadcasts, and much more! 

Participation is free.
Language: English



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