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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:1 / 1.5
Course supervisor:Aija Bukova-Žideļūna
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medicine
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Public Health


To develop knowledge and understanding of fundamentals in public health and health systems.


Basics in epidemiology and internal medicine.

Learning outcomes


• Define public health
• Describe the functions of public health
• Explain the areas of public health
• Define the concept and main principles of health promotion
• Formulate the principles of the health effect pyramid
• Define evidence-based public health
• Define the concept of health
• Define the concepts of disease, illness, and sickness
• Describe the levels of disease prevention
• Explain the high-risk and population strategy for disease prevention
• Identify the prerequisites of disease screening as regards disease, test, and treatment
• Name the indicators of screening effectiveness
• Name the values and ethical principles of health systems
• Define the principles and parties of the healthcare organisation and financing
• Define the quality concept in healthcare


• Differentiate and compare public health and medicine.
• Apply the key concepts of public health.
• Differentiate between different interventions at the levels of the health impact pyramid.
• Compare the high-risk and population strategy for disease prevention.
• Distinguish the levels of disease prevention.
• Compare the difference between organized disease screening and opportunistic disease screening.
• Classify health care systems according to their financing principles.
• Distinguish the levels of health care.


• Justify public health policy and practice in the historical and demographic context.
• Apply and generalise public health knowledge to clinical research and practice.
• Argue the role of health promotion and disease prevention for public health improvement.
• Understand the core issues of health care systems and funding in relation to health care practice.