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Choosing a university for your studies is not easy as so many factors must be taken into account: which is the best or the friendliest one, will you like the city and the people? That is why we kindly invite you to visit us during one of our Open Days and see the University and the city with your own eyes.

A typical Open Day includes:

To apply, please fill out this webform at least three days prior to the event:
Apply for open day


If you still have some free time afterwards, we highly recommend you to take a walk on the cobbled streets of the historical Riga Old Town, see the elegant Art Nouveau architecture or visit the Pauls Stradiņš Museum of History of Medicine. And there are plenty of other things to see and do in Riga!


Tā kā Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte ir publiska iestāde, pasākuma laikā jūs varat tikt fotografēts un/ vai filmēts. Fotogrāfijas un video var tikt publicēts universitātes mājaslapā, sociālajos medijos u. tml. Vairāk par savām tiesībām un iespēju iebilst pret šādu datu apstrādi varat uzzināt RSU Privātuma politikā. Ja iebilstat pret personas datu apstrādi, lūdzam par to informēt, rakstot uz rsuatrsu[pnkts]lv (rsu[at]rsu[dot]lv).

As Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) is a public institution you could be photographed and/or filmed during the event. Your personal data might be used to further the interests of RSU, e.g. for marketing or communication activities (incl. social media coverage). Read more about your rights see the RSU Privacy Policy. Should you have any objections to your personal data being processed please inform us via e-mail at rsuatrsu[pnkts]lv (rsu[at]rsu[dot]lv).

