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For RSU Employees
International Cooperation

From 3-5 March, the Eurasian Higher Education Summit (EURIE 2021) brought together almost 3,000 delegates from 400 universities and higher education institutions in 65 countries. This year's summit took place online and focused on the impact of the pandemic on higher education around the world.


During the summit, Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) participated in a session about ways that medical schools have responded to the pandemic. Baiba Pētersone, Director of the RSU International Department, discussed the third mission of RSU in strengthening the national healthcare ecosystem, in collaboration with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology’s health community (EIT Health).

The presentation emphasised the RSU EIT Health Centre’s ability to adapt to the new context by providing virtual activities to various Latvian healthcare stakeholders: hospital and healthcare personnel, entrepreneurs, policy makers, students and young professionals, patient organisations, and others.

A wide range of higher education issues was discussed during the summit: digitalisation and digital competences, the use of artificial intelligence in the study process, quality assurance issues, STEM education, Erasmus+ international development directions, virtual mobility and internships, internationalisation, etc.

The keynote speakers - Katherine Frank, Chancellor at the University of Washington (USA), and Francisco Marmolejo, a representative from the Qatar Fund (Qatar) - outlined global post-pandemic higher education trends.

Besides universities from various regions of the world, representatives from the European Commission, British Council, European University Association, International University Association, US Public University System, and the leading US MOOCs platform Coursera presented at this summit.