Dissertation Defence
A dissertation defence is the last formal step in which a scientific paper (thesis) is publicly defended before the dissertation manuscript is submitted and the doctoral degree is awarded.
The Doctoral Committee is a collegial institution of scientists authorised to conduct doctoral studies in the sectors of science in which Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) has accredited doctoral study programmes in accordance with Cabinet Regulations No. 1000 “On Delegation of Powers to Confer the Doctoral Degree (Promotion) to Higher Education Institutions” (in Latvian) and in compliance with Cabinet Regulations No. 595 “Regulations on Sectors and Sub-sectors of Science in Latvia” (in Latvian).
The Doctoral Committees operate and the doctoral degree studies are carried out in accordance with Cabinet Regulations No. 1001 “Procedures and Criteria for the Conferral of a Doctoral Degree in Science” (in Latvian), other legislative acts of the Republic of Latvia, the RSU Constitution, these Regulations and other internal regulatory enactments of RSU.
The Doctoral Committee is chaired by a permanent chairperson appointed by the the RSU Vice-Rector for Science, who has been granted the rights of expert of the Latvian Council of Science in a science sector or a sub-sector.
Doctoral Committees
- Clinical Medicine
- Basic Sciences of Medicine, including Pharmacy
- Medical Biotechnology
- Health and Sports Sciences
- Medical Law
- Psychology
- Political Sciences
- Sociology and Social Work
- Legal Sciences
- Economics and Entrepreneurship
- Media and Communications
The Doctoral Committees operate in accordance with the regulations below that have been approved by the RSU Senate.
Technical Requirements
Rules for Technical Design of Doctoral Thesis to be Submitted to Promotion Council
General Rules for Technical Design of Research Work to be Submitted to the Promotion Council
Dissertation template (English)
Dissertation template (Latvian)
Thesis as a set of publications (English)
Thesis as a set of publications (Latvian)
Summary template (English)
Summary template (Latvian)
Tue, Thu 13:00–17:00